Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New legislation that could potentially affect MC parties - AB74

I am passing this on from Chop in the BFMC.
California Assemblywoman Fiona Ma from San Francisco just introduced a bill to ban raves. This bill it makes it illegal to have any event from sunrise to sunset, over 3.5 hours, playing pre-recorded music, without a license to do so. Many of the MC parties I go to fit the definition of a "rave" in this bill. This could become one more tool that's used to harass our community.

Here’s the link to the text:
I’m sending this out to any club or business in CA that has contact info I could easily get to on the web.

Please also pass this on to everyone in the motorcycle community you know.
Please ask everyone you know to call their state assembly person and urge them to vote no on AB74.
You can find out who your assembly member is here:

