Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why Liberalism is Obviously Hypocritical

Why Liberalism is Obviously Hypocritical....
National Public Radio contributor gets fired for - well, almost nothing.
Read the story from the link below, and watch the video clip of "the offense," then see Goldberg's comment. He makes perfect sense.;_ylt=AjLuU7uH05X.nSOf2xOWrj6yFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTN0MG5mbmxsBGFzc2V0A3libG9nX3Vwc2hvdC8yMDEwMTAyMS9ucHItZmlyZXMtanVhbi13aWxsaWFtcy1mb3ItbXVzbGltLXJlbWFya3Mtb24tZm94BGNwb3MDMgRwb3MDMTIEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDbnByZmlyZXNqdWFu

Bernie Goldberg, a Fox News contributor and author of several books on what he describes as liberal media bias, offered his take Thursday morning in an email to The Upshot.

"So Juan Williams is fired for saying something the liberals at NPR find controversial?" Goldberg said. "One more piece of evidence that liberals have forgotten how to be liberal."

Goldberg continued: "These are the kind of people who brag about how open-minded they are -- as long as you agree with them. And here's the dirty little secret: lots and lots of liberals feel the same way Juan does when they get on an airplane. And a lot of those liberals work at NPR. Juan's 'crime' was saying it out loud."