Friday, October 22, 2010

Accused gets food order in the courthouse

BY: Betsy Powell
Source: The Star
Betsy Powell
Courts Bureau
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The lawyer for the purported president of the Toronto chapter of the Hells Angels has been given permission to bring his client extra food.

“This was not about being guilty or innocent, it’s about how you treat people,” Craig Bottomley said Tuesday.

The lawyer was planning to challenge the adequacy of meals served his client, John Neal, 60, who has been in custody since his arrest in April 2007.

But before the application was argued Tuesday in court, the Toronto Police Service agreed his client can have additional food — as long as Bottomley provides it and Neal’s family covers the cost.

Neal had complained the standard prisoner lunch of cheese sandwiches and flavoured water didn’t live up to the diet recommended by his doctor.

The deal allows meals that meet the Canada Food Guide to be delivered to his cell from the courthouse cafeteria.

Neal will not be allowed any hot food and must eat in a separate area in the downtown courthouse.

On Tuesday, Bottomley brought Neal a turkey sandwich on brown bread, a butter tart and chocolate milk.

The police service, responsible for feeding inmates at court, pays $1.19 per meal.

Police spokesman Mark Pugash said inmates receive sandwiches with 115 grams of filling and options include tuna, roast beef and chicken.

“We are flexible,” he said, “but we need to spend money in an appropriate fashion.”

Defence lawyer Daniel Brown, who brought a similar application in Oshawa court, said this issue will continue to arise. “Why is it okay for Mr. Neal and not all inmates coming to court on a daily basis?”

Neal is charged with conspiring to traffic in liquid ecstasy and contributing to a criminal organization. He has no criminal record but has been turned down after several bail reviews. He and four other men go on trial next week.