Friday, October 29, 2010

I ended up with a list in two commercial breaks of people Besides "bikers" who are picked on or bashed.


Sorry this thread is screwed up, I don't know how to do the "digest" edition, I was watching Glenn Beck, and decided to scribble some notes during commercials, I ended up with a list in two commercial breaks of people Besides "bikers" who are picked on or bashed. True to my form I just ran the alphabet down the page and filled in the blanks. here is what I got.

A- Africans
B- Blonds
C- Chicano's, child molesters, constitutionalists
D- disabled
E- elderly
F- foreigners
g- Glenn beck watchers.
H- hippies
I - immigrants
J- Jews
K- kkk members
L- lawyers, liberals,
M- Muslims, moonies, midgets
N- nanny staters,
O- obese
P- politicians, progressives
Q- queers,
R- r.u.b.s retards, right wing extremists,
S- strippers,
T- teabaggers, transvestites,
U- under ware bombers, unions, used car salesman,
V- veterans, (viet nam especially)
W- women, welfare, wetbacks, (right Ira?)
X - any ideas?
Y- youth,
Z- cant think of one for z,

As you see there are plenty of people that get picked on or bashed, not just bikers.
We could just wear our differences as a badge of pride, if you truly are proud of who you are.
Remember sticks and stones?
That is why I said the word whining, because it is. remember in school, if people called you names and you got mad, it just made shit worse?

Come on people, Biker up.