Friday, October 29, 2010

AMA:Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2 More Info

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2 More Info

Be sure to vote!

Dear Fellow Rider,
There is just a week left before Election Day. That means there are just seven days left to identify motorcycle-friendly candidates to support and then vote for, and to encourage others to do the same.

Elections are the voting public’s opportunity to select their leaders. Leaders who will make laws that may expand or limit the riding community’s freedoms for years to come. Therefore, it is critical for motorcyclist to identify motorcycle-friendly candidates, assist their run for office, Vote Like A Motorcyclist, and encourage their fellow riders to also Vote Like A Motorcyclist.

Please note, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse political candidates. However, we encourage riders to cast their ballots based on candidates' positions on motorcycling-related issues, as well as other issues of importance to them.

Please join the AMA’s Vote Like A Motorcyclist campaign and utilize some or all of our election-related tools:

- Identify election information and a list of candidates running for statewide or federal office. Click here, then select your state.

- Volunteer to assist a motorcycle-friendly candidate’s campaign and encourage a fellow rider or two to join you. Click here for a list of suggestions on how you can help.

- Not yet registered to vote? Click here to see if your state is still accepting voter registration forms and register today. Encourage your fellow riders to do the same.

- Identify which federal and gubernatorial candidates are motorcycle-friendly. Utilize our 2010 AMA Voter Guide, available at For details about the 2010 AMA Voter Guide, click here. Not yet an AMA member? Join online today, or call 800-AMA-JOIN.

- Show your colors this election season with Vote Like A Motorcyclist gear from the AMA. To access Vote Like A Motorcyclist campaign T-shirts, pins and posters, click here.

Please, do all you can this final week of the election cycle to assist the election of motorcycle-friendly candidates. Those elected to office will mold legislation and laws that will affect the future of motorcycling.

If you have any questions about getting involved these last seven days, please contact the AMA’s grassroots team at

For everyone who Votes Like A Motorcyclist, encourages others to also Vote Like A Motorcyclist, and/or volunteers on a motorcycle-friendly candidate’s campaign, thank you. Your efforts contribute to promoting the motorcycle lifestyle and protecting the future of motorcycling.


The AMA Grassroots Team