Friday, September 24, 2010

CAll to Action ,To veto California SB-435

CAll to Action

To veto California SB-435

Vehicles: pollution control devices

California-September, 2010 ABATE of Washington - B.O.L.T. Of Washington - Sons of Liberty Riders of Washington - B.O.L.T. Of Nevada have joined in issuing a National Call to Action regarding recently passed legislation, California SB-435.

SB-435 has passed in the California legislature and the Governor has until September 30th to decide to sign it into law, veto the bill or do nothing in which case the bill becomes law.

All motorcyclists in the USA are urged to call, email or fax California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to urge him to use his Power of Veto to stop this bill before the September 30, 2010 deadline.

Governor's Office
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Email: go to

Unchecked, this type of legislation will be spreading nation wide. Guised as a pollution control bill, it is actually a noise control bill and there are already laws in California dealing with noise. This bill places an undue burden on motorcyclists, endangers the cottage industry of after market manufacturers as well as custom builders and hobbyists and does nothing to control emissions.

Visit for more information on the bill and the Call to Action and call, email or fax today. We must unite and tell Governor Schwarzenegger this bill is not wanted or needed. He has stated that he is remaining neutral until he hears from the public before the September 30th deadline.

Please act on this request and post it on your social network pages and forward to friends.

This request is from Donnie "Mr. Breeze" Landsman, and BOLT Director of Washington State.

As founder of ABATE of Wisconsin (1974) and founder of BOLT (1992) I wholly support this call to action.

Tony "Pan" Sanfelipo
Sturgis Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame, 2002