Saturday, June 26, 2010

today's SB 435

Local 6 members, Below find a letter regarding the latest on SB435. I am letting you know what is happening......Those of you who are subscribed to the ABATE discussion list know that there is plenty of discussion and fights over this result. We will know what happens on Monday when it is voted on. There are many people who go along with this, and many people who think we should fight it to the death. I am not making a public stand either way in this message, I am just letting the Local 6 people know what is going on.. John

Carol to send out a questionaire to the PAC Committee members. A vote was taken on how I was to try and to reduce the penalties and severity of the impact of SB 435! Those five points were: 1. It will be a secondary offense. 2. It will be a fix-it ticket. 3. It will not count as a moving violation. 4. It will not only apply to motorcycles only built after 1983, but not until next year's models — 2011. 5. It will grandfather all bikes in built after 2010. With the current amendments (now in print), I accomplished all of those options.
However there is a compromise (if you call it a compromise). Senator Pavely agreed to do this if ABATE of California went neutral on the bill, which I did, representing ABATE because I thought that I accomplished what I was directed to do, especially grandfathering every existing bike in. Neutral means not supporting the bill or not opposing it. From Jim Lombardo, our lobbyist.