Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Your Enemies, My Enemies, Yeah Again

Your Enemies, My Enemies, Yeah AgainI am at the end of my rope again. The next book, Expect No Mercy is at about 85,000 words. That is down from a high of about 400,000 words. I have been at it for almost two years. I like it. I think you will probably like it too.
More than you, I want people who are blissfully ignorant about motorcycle clubs to like it. I want Lori Loughlin to get it. There is a line in the book about writing most of what I write in invisible ink on scraps of firewood in Mongolia. This time I may be able to convince some people that the worst crimes in motorcycle club cases are usually committed by police and prosecutors. And I have reason to suspect that there are police and prosecutors who would like to stop this book from ever seeing the light of day. This blog is easy to compartmentalize. Once a book is loose in the world there is no telling what might happen next.
A couple of months ago, after he testified as a motorcycle club expert in the Michael Isaac Russ trial in North Carolina, Doug Pearson, the Aurora, Colorado cop who also testified at the Carrizal trial in Waco, told someone what he expected to happen to me. This was in a place called The Varsity in Atlanta.
“Davis will take a bounce on 230 CDA,” he said.
I don’t actually think the feds can do that. But I have been told it is plausible. And, I also never thought the actress Lori Loughlin or her brat daughters mattered enough that the U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts would hit Loughlin, who played Aunt Becky on a sitcom called Full House, with a third superseding indictment. Loughlin’s crime is she paid a fortune to get her kids into USC. The prosecutors had told her to take the deal or prepare to spend her golden years in prison. She thinks she is innocent. She said yesterday she feels like she is David fighting Goliath. She should not feel alone.
In case you, or your friends, have not yet acquired a copy, there is a 16-page, “law enforcement sensitive” dossier of me floating around out there.
Here, take a taste.
Davis stated in an interview to promote his Mongols apologetic (sic) that he hoped to die in a running foot chase, involving gunfire and law enforcement, ending in ‘a motorcycle crash. This clearly influenced the mythology surrounding Sons on Anarchy’s final episode in which the main character Jax Teller performs a near identical suicide.
I want you to know this is complete bullshit. What I said was that I hoped “to die in fiery motorcycle crash after a brief but intense gun battle with police.” Also I barely know Kurt Sutter.
Your humble correspondent spends his years, writing polemics that act as a propaganda arm for motorcycle clubs. An intelligence analyst noted the similarities between Edward Abbey’s “Monkey Wrench Gang” fiction in and of itself a veiled guide for environmental terrorism and Davis’s work..
I am not sure what this means but I am pretty sure if I had a bestseller I wouldn’t be asking you for money.
A number of prisons at both Federal and State level were returning copies of Davis’s books to Amazon or ordering them shredded as the books served to keep gang members informed of the changes in law enforcement activities in regards to OMGs. We now recommend that the books’ senders be documented, they be recorded, and sent both to the ATF’s liaison to prison gang units at Quantico. A copy of those individuals or organizations sending these books to incarcerated gang members should also be sent to OMGIA. Policy is to advise Corrections to disseminate the Davis publications to gang members with redactions and mark the books so they can be tracked to see any internal cooperation between incarcerated gang members. Marking the redacted copies also serves a purpose as Davis’s books have been found in numerous OMG clubhouses and meeting places, some copies are believed to have been property taken upon release from incarceration. Confirmation of this could prove valuable.
What can I say? I write samizdat: Which is the old Soviet term for “forbidden speech.” Me and Solzhenitsyn.
While in person Davis makes the apparent show of jocularity and politeness towards other journalists and OMG investigatory agents. It should be noted that at his blog and in print he has gone so far as to reveal where agents went to college, what sports they played and he speculates on their hobbies, and their familial relations and birthplaces. Davis’s twisted sense of humor necessitated that agents contacted the security for a recording artist as Davis had implied a well-known federal agent was a familial relation to the recording artist. This is a display of his lack of knowledge of the OMG culture, as well as his lack of concern for the safety of agents and investigators families, friends, and their very lives.
It was Madonna. Okay? Apparently one of the many important things your government has done to keep you safe is warn Madonna about me.
My dossier includes multiple photos of me, A couple of them were taken in Waco, One of them shows me sitting on my sorry-ass, 2005 Dyna. Which needs some work, by the way.
I am an intimidating presence with other journalists.
Actually, I like that one. Maybe they are talking about that guy from the LA Times at the Mongol Nation trial. I don’t know. I usually think of myself as an old house cat.
The dossier accuses me of intimidating prosecutors in Waco. I am not sure what that means. It may be a reference to me telling former prosecutor Michael Jarrett, in my most polite and professional tone, what a bitch ass punk I think he is. The dossier recommends prosecutors confront Davis so he will know his bullying tactics will not work.
And the dossier alleges that I did not attend the David Martinez trial because I had become estranged from the Mongols. Actually I couldn’t afford to take a month off and pay for the parking. It claims the “Confederation of Clubs” paid for my work on the Iron Order case in Philadelphia. Actually, a firm named McLaughlin & Lauricella paid me and that was how I was able to afford to go to Waco.
The anonymous author of the dossier (I suspect it is ATF analyst Jeremey Sheetz), writes, All 1%ers, despite having so called sober chapters, engage in the use or misuse of alcohol, and drugs, both illicit and prescription. We expect Davis is no different.
And, I am getting worse. In the past 5-6 years Davis has become particularly inflammatory and refuses to use the term gang because most OMG members bristle at the term being applied to OMG’s. Davis even calls street gangs “cliques” which shows immense ignorance of what street operations officers go through every day. The you men they confront are not cliques but gang members who pledge their lives to human trafficking, drug, trafficking, trafficking in alcohol to minors as carding laws have become more strict, and trafficking in firearms.
Also the dossier includes a photo of an old motel that is described as my residence in 2014 and warns Swat goons that I am probably armed.
Pick up a copy when you get a chance.
In the meantime, if you haven’t donated for a while, please click the donate button. The book will be out very soon. I’ll have frequent posts back up on this site within a couple of weeks. I will start to see royalties about two months after that and I won’t stick my hand out again for another couple of years. I promise.
Thank you.