Monday, October 21, 2019

NEW YORK FREEDOM RIDER NEWS- 10/17/19 firearms related updates

CALIFORNIA- law, update

AB12 [law]: Firearms: gun violence restraining orders

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 724, Statutes of 2019.

AB61 [law]: Gun violence restraining orders

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 725, Statutes of 2019.

AB164 [law]: Firearms: prohibited persons

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 726, Statutes of 2019.

AB339 [law]: Gun violence restraining orders: law enforcement procedures

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 727, Statutes of 2019.

AB879 [law]: Firearms

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 730, Statutes of 2019.

AB893: 22nd District Agricultural Association: firearm and ammunition sales at the Del Mar Fairgrounds

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 731, Statutes of 2019.

AB1297 [law]: Firearms: concealed carry license

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 732, Statutes of 2019.

AB1493 [law]: Gun violence restraining order: petition.

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 733, Statutes of 2019.

AB1669 [law]: Firearms: gun shows and events

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 736, Statutes of 2019.

SB61 [law]: Firearms: transfers

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 737, Statutes of 2019.

SB172 [law]: Firearms

10/12/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 840, Statutes of 2019.

SB376 [law]: Firearms: transfers

10/11/19: Approved by Governor. Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 738, Statutes of 2019.

AB340 [update]: Firearms: armed prohibited persons.

10/12/19: Vetoed by Governor.

Governor’s veto message:
To the Members of California State Assembly:

I am returning Assembly Bill 340 without my signature.
This bill would set forth reporting requirements for the Gun Violence Reduction Pilot Program. This pilot program was only recently funded in the 2019-2020 State Budget. Additional guidance related to the implementation of that program is premature at this time.

Gavin Newsom


FLORIDA- new, updates

HB353 [new]: Weapons and Firearms; Provides that petition for involuntary examination serves as petition for risk protection order in certain circumstances and provides for confiscation of firearms & ammunition; requires minimum mandatory term of imprisonment for person convicted of felony while owning or having in his or her care, custody, possession, or control firearm, ammunition, or electronic weapon or device.

10/15/2019: Filed

SB548 [new]: Firearms; Requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to include on a standard form certain questions concerning a potential firearm buyer’s or transferee’s criminal history and other information relating to the person’s eligibility to make the firearm purchase; requiring the department to notify certain law enforcement agencies when a potential sale or transfer receives a nonapproval number; prohibiting the sale or transfer, or facilitation of a sale or transfer, of a firearm to a person younger than a certain age by any person or entity, etc.

10/17/2019: Filed

Bill text: Filed

SB558 [new]: Large-capacity Magazines; Defining the term “large-capacity magazine”; prohibiting the sale, transfer, or possession of large-capacity magazines; providing criminal penalties; providing exceptions, etc.

10/17/2019: Filed

HB245 [update]: Concealed Weapons and Firearms; Prohibits concealed weapon or firearm licensee from openly carrying handgun or carrying concealed weapon or firearm into any child care facility.

10/10/2019: Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

HB289 [update]: Sales of Ammunition; requires background checks for sale or transfer of ammunition.

10/16/2019: Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

HB291/SB462 [update]: Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition; Provides exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to buyer or transferee who is not found to be prohibited from receipt or transfer of ammunition; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.

10/16/2019: Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Oversight, Transparency and Public Management Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
10/15/2019: Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules

SB266 [update]: Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms; Revising the locations and circumstances in which a loaded firearm is required to be kept or secured with a trigger lock; deleting conditions that pertain to the crime of failing to safely store, leave, or secure a loaded firearm in a specified manner, etc.

10/15/2019:  Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Criminal Justice; Rules

SB270 [update]: Sale and Delivery of Firearms; Requiring the parties, if neither party to a sale, lease, or transfer of a firearm is a licensed dealer, to complete the sale, lease, or transfer through a licensed dealer; authorizing a licensed dealer to charge a buyer or transferee specified fees; deleting provisions authorizing a licensee to complete the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person without receiving certain notification from the Department of Law Enforcement informing the licensee that such person is prohibited from receipt or possession of a firearm or providing a unique approval number under certain circumstances, etc.

10/15/2019: Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary; Rules

HB273: Carrying of Firearms; Removes requirement that license to carry concealed firearm is required in order to carry such firearm; limits areas in which concealed carrying of firearm is prohibited; revises criminal penalties; revises provisions relating to carrying of concealed weapons by nonresidents; provides for issuance of concealed carry licenses for reciprocity purposes; specifies that person not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing firearm may own, possess, & lawfully use firearms & other weapons, ammunition, & supplies for lawful purposes.

10/14/2019: Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee

SB310 [update]: Three-dimensional Printed Firearms; Prohibiting a person from printing, transferring, importing into this state, distributing, selling, possessing, or giving to another person certain 3D-printed firearms as of a specified date; providing criminal penalties; requiring persons in possession of such firearms to relinquish them to a law enforcement agency or to the Department of Law Enforcement or to destroy them before the prohibition takes effect, etc.

10/15/2019 Senate - Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary; Rules

SB428 [update]: Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms; Revising the locations where a concealed weapons or concealed firearms licensee is prohibited from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a concealed weapon or firearm, etc.

10/15/2019: Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary; Rules

SB460 [update]: Sales of Ammunition; Citing this act as “Jaime’s Law”; requiring background checks for the sale or transfer of ammunition; providing exceptions, etc.

10/15/2019: Referred to Infrastructure and Security; Judiciary; Rules



HB5098: Weapons; licensing; fee for renewal of concealed pistol license; waive. Amends sec. 5l of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425l).

10/15/2019: Introduced, read first time. Referred to Committee on Military, Veterans and Homeland Security

HB5116: Criminal procedure; expunction; eligibility for concealed pistol license after setting aside certain convictions; clarify. Amends 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.421 - 28.435) by adding sec. 2c. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5020'19

10/16/2019: Introduced, read first time. Referred to Committee on Judiciary


OHIO- new

SB221: Revised Code to provide for the issuance in specified circumstances of a Safety Protection Order to apply regarding a person who a court determines is under a drug dependency, chronic alcoholic, or mental health-related firearms disability; to specify LEADS and NCIC reporting and removal procedures for current types of protection orders; to require the submission to the Attorney General for inclusion in LEADS of findings of IST or NGRI; to modify some of the prohibitions under the offense of "unlawful transactions in weapons" and add new prohibitions and exemptions under the offense, including a new exemption if a state background check mechanism the bill enacts is used and does not indicate that the prospective transferee is barred from firearms possession; to provide in specified circumstances for the issuance of a seller's protection certificate under the new state background check mechanism; to increase the penalty for certain firearms-related offenses in specified circumstances; to modify the law governing the entry of arrest warrants into LEADS as extradition warrants; to expand the law regarding the provision of drug and alcohol test results to law enforcement personnel; and to provide a new exception to the testimonial privilege for specified medical and dental personnel regarding certain probate court proceedings.

10/15/19: Introduced

SB223: Revised Code to generally prohibit a person from possessing trigger cranks, bump-fire devices, or other items that accelerate a semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire but do not convert it into an automatic firearm and large capacity magazines.

10/16/19: Introduced


New York Freedom Rider
Freedom is not a spectator’s sport