Sunday, May 26, 2019

Idaho Senate Opens Door to Gun Confiscation Orders with SJR101 Vote

Idaho – -( The Idaho State Senate stunned the citizens of Idaho yesterday by opening the possibility of Idaho implementing Gun Confiscation Orders, better known as “Red Flag” laws.
Despite repeated warnings from the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and gun owners across Idaho, the Idaho State Senate moved forward with their ill-advised resolution known as SJR101 or Marsy's Law.
We'll get to who voted for and against Marsy's Law in just a moment.
States across the country continue to push through Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders. Bloomberg and his cronies with Moms Demand Action are dumping millions of dollars in the fight to destroy the 2nd Amendment, and passing Red Flag laws is just one of their objectives They are determined to fight gun owners at the Congressional and State level. And one of their biggest pet projects is to confiscate firearms from gun owners who they feel are a threat to themselves or others. These “Red Flag” laws may sound great on the surface, but they remain unconstitutional and a threat to the American judicial system.
Let's recap why Red Flag laws are so dangerous:
  1. There is NO conviction required to confiscate the gun owner's firearms.
  2. There is NO arrest of the gun owner being accused.
  3. There is NO indictment of the gun owner being accused.
  4. There is usually NO notification that the gun owner's firearms are about to be confiscated.
  5. The police show up at your door and confiscate your firearms with NO due process!
Red Flag laws fly in the face of everything our judicial system was designed to do — protect your innocence until you were proven guilty in a court of law.
So, how are Red Flag laws and Idaho's current Constitutional Amendment proposal (SJR101/Marsy's Law) similar?
Here is what we know about SJR101:
  1. The alleged victim has the right to “reasonable protection” from the accused. That means there is NO conviction.
  2. What does “reasonable protection” even mean? The legislators proposing this Constitutional Amendment only tell you what that phrase “typically” means. They can't deny that a judge could order the confiscation of your firearms as “reasonable protection.”
  3. The “reasonable protection” would apply to any level of accusation, misdemeanor or felony. Again, no conviction is necessary.
  4. Some legislators claim that gun confiscation can't happen because the 2nd Amendment would prevent it. While we agree that it should, the fact remains that thousands of infringements exist across the country, including right here in Idaho. The 2nd Amendment didn't stop them.
The judicial system in our country continues to spit on gun owners!
Activist judges across the country continue to rule against the 2nd Amendment. 25 Idaho State Senators just voted to give the ability to implement gun confiscation orders in Idaho to Idaho's judges.
Here is the breakdown of the Senators who voted in favor of SJR101 which will jeopardize your gun rights:
Agenbroad – R, Anthon – R, Bair – R, Brackett – R, Buckner-Webb – D, Burgoyne – D, Cheatham – R, Crabtree – R, Grow – R, Guthrie – R, Harris – R, Heider – R, Hill – R, Jordan – D, Lakey – R, Lent – R, Martin – R, Mortimer – R, Nelson – D, Nye – D, Patrick, Souza – R, Stennett – D, Ward-Engelking – D, Winder – R
We want to thank the following Senators for voting AGAINST SJR101 to not give judges the ability to implement gun confiscation orders in Idaho:
Bayer – R, Den Hartog – R, Johnson – R, Lee – R, Lodge – R, Rice – R, Thayn – R, Vick – R, Woodward – R
The battle to stop SJR101 isn't over yet. Now that the resolution has moved over to the Idaho House, gun owners must continue to reach out to their legislators to oppose it!
Because this is a Constitutional Amendment, it requires a 2/3 majority in both chambers. That means that the Idaho Senate just barely made the threshold to pass it.
We anticipate our chances of killing this dangerous amendment is much better in the Idaho House. Once the resolution has been assigned to the appropriate committee, we will need your immediate help to encourage the committee to kill it!

In the meantime, be sure to check out a video next that we did last night which explains this crucial issue in more detail!