Monday, February 11, 2019

NEW YORK FREEDOM RIDER NEWS- 2/7/19 - firearms related updates


SB1381: order of protection; firearm possession

02/05/2019: Second read
02/04/2019: First read. Assigned to Judiciary and Rules Committees

SB1490: prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory

02/06/2019: Second read
02/05/2019: First read. Assigned to Judiciary and Rules Committees

SB1507: firearm sales; transfers; background checks

02/07/2019: Second read
02/06/2019: First read. Assigned to Transportation and Public Safety, Judiciary and Rules Committees

SB1508: unlawful securing; firearm; minors

02/07/2019: Second read
02/06/2019: First read. Assigned to Transportation and Public Safety, Judiciary and Rules Committees


CALIFORNIA –new, update

AJR5 [new]: Firearm safety

02/01/19: From printer.
01/31/19: Introduced. To print.

AB339 [new]: Gun violence restraining orders: law enforcement procedures

02/01/19: From printer. May be heard in committee March 3.
01/31/19: Read first time. To print.

SB172 [update]: firearms

02/06/19: Referred to Committee on Public Safety


COLORADO- update

SB93: Concerning firearm possession by persons who lawfully use medical marijuana.

02/06/2019: State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee- postpone indefinitely. Vote: 3-2



HB5150/SB173: To prohibit the Governor or any municipality from restricting lawful possession of a firearm or ammunition during a civil preparedness emergency.

2/7/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary
2/7/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary

HB5759: To require safe storage of firearms in homes with a household member who has a psychiatric condition.

2/7/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary

HB5870: To allow the legal transfer of an assault weapon possessed under a certificate of possession and large capacity magazines possessed under a declaration of possession between people who already legally possess such weapons or magazines.

2/1/2019: Judiciary Committee- Vote to Draft. Voice vote

HB7047: To prohibit municipalities from adopting ordinances and regulations to regulate firearms.

2/7/2019: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Judiciary
2/7/2019: Change of Reference, House to Committee on Judiciary
2/6/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary

SB60: To require individuals openly carrying to produce their permit if their firearm is visible and if requested by a law enforcement officer.

2/1/2019: Judiciary Committee- Vote to Draft. Voice vote

SB98: To require individuals who openly carry a pistol or revolver to produce their permit upon request of a law enforcement officer if the firearm is visible to such officer.

2/7/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary

SB532: To allow an individual to purchase ammunition upon presentation of a license or permit to carry a firearm that was issued by another state and displays the individual's picture.

2/7/2019: Change of Reference Judiciary


FLORIDA- new, updates

SB654 [new]: Transfers of Firearms. Requiring transfers of firearms to be conducted through a licensed dealer; requiring deposit of the firearm with the licensed dealer under certain circumstances; providing for disposition of the firearm if the licensed dealer cannot legally complete the transaction or return the firearm to its owner, etc.

2/1/2019: Filed

HB487/SB722 [update]: Carrying of Firearms by Tactical Medical Professionals

Senate: [update- companion bill]
2/5/2019: filed

SB466 [update]: Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines

2/1/2019: Referred to Judiciary; Criminal Justice; Rules

SB468 [update]: Firearms; Requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to include on a standard form certain questions concerning a potential firearm buyer’s criminal history and other information relating to the person’s eligibility to make the firearm purchase; requiring that, if neither party to a prospective firearms sale, lease, or transfer is a licensed dealer, the parties must complete the sale, lease, or transfer through a licensed dealer; revising applicability of the prohibition against certain sales or deliveries of firearms to include certain purchases, trades, and transfers of a rifle or shotgun, etc.

2/1/2019: Referred to Judiciary; Criminal Justice; Rules


GEORGIA- new, update

HB137 [new]: Crimes and offenses; persons convicted of family violence offenses cannot possess or carry firearms; provide

Feb/06/2019: House First Readers
Feb/05/2019: House Hopper

HB2 [update]: Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2019; enact

Feb/05/2019: House First Readers


HAWAII- updates

HB1206/SB556: Terrorist Screening Database; Terrorist Watch List; Firearms and Ammunition; Gun Permit Application Background Check

2/1/2019: The committee(s) on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs has scheduled a public hearing on 02-07-19 1:15PM in conference room 229.

SB1466: Firearms; Gun Violence; Protective Orders

2/1/2019: The committee(s) on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs has scheduled a public hearing on 02-07-19 1:15PM in conference room 229.


ILLINOIS – new, updates

HB2254 [new]: Creates the Safe Gun Storage Act.

2/7/2019: First reading. Referred to Rules Committee

HB885 [update]: Firearms- nonresident military

2/5/2019: Assigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee

HB892 [update]: Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses, or carries a firearm with: (1) a major component of which, if subjected to inspection by common metal detection devices, would not be detectable; or (2) a major component of which, if subjected to inspection by common imaging detection devices, would not generate an image that accurately depicts the shape of the component. Provides that this offense is a Class 2 felony. Creates exemptions. Effective immediately.

2/5/2019: Assigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee

HB1586 [update]: Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that beginning January 1, 2020, all handgun ammunition that is manufactured, imported into the State for sale or personal use, kept for sale, offered or exposed for sale, sold, given, lent, or possessed shall be serialized.

2/1/2019: First reading. Referred to Rules Committee

SB160 [update]: Amends the School Code. Provides that a school district may offer a firearm safety training course to students in grades 9 through 12, which may include instruction on hunting safety.

2/6/2019: Assigned to Judiciary


INDIANA –updates

HB1651: Judicial evaluation of dangerous individuals. Requires the office of judicial administration to collect, monitor, and publish certain statistics related to the confiscation and retention of firearms taken from dangerous individuals.

02/07/2019: Committee report: amend do pass, adopted. Vote: 12-0

SB119: Prohibited firearm transfers to minors. Provides that a person may not sell, give, or in any other manner transfer ownership or possession of a machine gun to any person under 21 years of age.

02/05/2019: Third reading: passed. Vote:  48-1
02/04/2019: Amendment #2 (Taylor G) failed. Vote: 13-36
02/04/2019: Amendment #1 (Taylor G) failed. Voice vote
02/04/2019: Second reading: ordered engrossed


IOWA- new

SF165: A bill for an act relating to carrying and possessing weapons and acquiring pistols and revolvers, providing penalties, and including applicability provisions.

02/06/2019: Subcommittee Meeting: 02/11/2019 11:00AM RM 116.
02/04/2019: Subcommittee: Schultz, Bisignano, and Whiting
01/31/2019: Introduced, referred to Judiciary.



HB194: Amend KRS 237.115 to allow persons with valid concealed deadly weapons licenses or temporary permits to carry concealed weapons on public postsecondary property and remove criminal penalties.

02/07/19: posted in committee
02/06/19: to Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection
02/05/19: introduced in House


MARYLAND –new, update

HB612 [new]: Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Colt AR-15 Sporter H-BAR Rifle

2/25/2019: Judiciary Committee Hearing, 10 am
2/6/2019: First Reading, to Judiciary

SB622 [new]: Office of the Attorney General - Crime Firearms – Study

2/4/2019: First Reading, to Judicial Proceedings

SB706 [new]: Public Safety – Assault Weapons – Replacements (Legally Owned Firearms Replacement Act)

2/21/2019: Judicial Proceedings hearing, Room 2, 12 pm
2/4/2019: First Reading Judicial Proceedings

HB468/SB441 [update]: Public Safety - Access to Firearms - Storage Requirements

2/25: Judiciary hearing, Room 100, 10 am
2/21: Judicial Proceedings hearing, Room 2, 12 pm

HB541/SB115 [update]: Public Safety - Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport a Handgun – Qualifications

2/25: Judiciary hearing, Room 100, 10 am
2/21: Judicial Proceedings hearing, Room 2, 12 pm

SB97 [update]: Firearms - Right to Purchase, Possess, and Carry - Use of Medical Cannabis

2/26: Judicial Proceedings hearing, Room 2, 12 pm


MINNESOTA- new, update

SF865 [new]: Right to carry firearms without a permit

02/07/2019: Introduction and first reading. Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy

SF1016 [new]: Firearm laws provisions modifications and appropriation

02/07/2019: Introduction and first reading. Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy

HF864/SF728 [update]: Permit to carry for low-income citizen expense reimbursement provided, the Affordable Self-Protection Act established, and money appropriated.

Assembly: [update- companion bill]
02/07/2019: Introduction and first reading, referred to Ways and Means



HB22: Firearms; revise limits placed on counties and municipalities to regulate

02/05: Died In Committee

HB378: Emergency Medical Technicians; authorize to carry firearms while in performance of duties.

02/05: Died In Committee

HB831: Concealed weapons; authorize license holders to carry on campuses of higher education institutions.

02/05: Died In Committee

HB524: Firearms; prohibit public employers from banning employees with permit and training endorsement from carrying on property.

02/05: Died In Committee

HB910/SB2671: Firearms Protection Act; create.

02/05: Died In Committee
02/05: Died In Committee

HB1402: Public school curriculum; require mandatory hunter safety course as part of 7th and 8th grade P.E.

02/05: Died In Committee

SB2067: Concealed carry permit holders; names of those revoked not confidential.

02/05: Died In Committee


MISSOURI -updates

HB786: Establishes the "Second Amendment Preservation Act"

2/04/2019: Read Second Time

SB39: Allows the concealed carry of firearms on public transportation systems and the transporting of nonfunctioning or unloaded firearms on public buses

2/11/2019: Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection
2/7/2019: Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee


NEVADA –updates

SB120: Provides for the issuance of orders of protection relating to high-risk behavior.

02/04/2019: Read first time. To committee.

SB55: AN ACT relating to firearms; revising provisions governing the carrying of a loaded rifle or shotgun in or on a vehicle which is standing or being driven on or along a public highway or other way open to the public; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

02/04/2019: Read first time. To committee on Natural Resources


NEW MEXICO- updates

HB87: Domestic violence and firearm possession

02/05/2019: Judiciary Committee- Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation. Vote: 9-4

HB8: Background check for firearms sales

02/05/2019: Reported by Judiciary Committee with Do Pass recommendation. Vote: 10-4


NEW YORK- new, update

A4140 [new]: Prohibits the sale of handgun ammunition to any person unless the person can produce proof of a firearm license; defines "ammunition"; imposes a civil penalty of between $500 and $1,000 for each violation.

02/01/2019: Referred to Codes Committee

A4380 [new]: Relates to the point of contact for conducting national instant criminal background checks; authorizes and directs the division of state police to serve as the point of contact for implementation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(t); establishes the background check fund.

02/04/2019: Referred to Governmental Operations Committee

A4958 [new]: Prohibits individuals adjudicated as youthful offenders for any offense listed under article one hundred twenty-five of the penal law, from possessing firearms, rifles and shotguns.

02/06/2019: Referred to Codes

S3354 [new]: Directs the licensing authority in each county to process firearms license applications for victims of domestic abuse who have been issued an order of protection within 14 days of receiving the application.

02/06/2019: Referred to Codes

A4067/S1038 [update]: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services.

Assembly: [update- companion bill]
02/01/2019: Introduced. Referred to Codes Committee

A5011/S931 [update]: Requires a written determination to be made, on each application for issuance or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, within 180 days of receipt; requires refund of all fees submitted with such application if a determination is not made in a timely manner.

Assembly: [update- companion bill]
02/06/2019: Introduced. Referred to Codes Committee

A5087/S862 [update]: Authorizes the transfer of certain weapons from an estate to an immediate member of the decedent's family; expands definition of immediate family to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the sale or disposal of certain firearms; relates to the filing of approved applications for licenses for the possession of firearms; exempts certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices from certain requirements of the penal law; repeals provisions of law prohibiting the possession of certain large capacity ammunition feeding devices; and repeals provisions of law relating to certain requirements for the sellers of ammunition.

Assembly: [update- companion bill]
02/07/2019: Referred to Codes Committee



HB1163: A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 62.10204, subsection 1 of section 62.10205, and section 62.10210 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the possession of firearms or dangerous weapons; and to provide a penalty

02/06: Senate- Received from House
02/05: House- Second reading, passed. Vote: 78-14

HB1381: A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 62.101 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a restriction on firearm buyback programs; and to provide a penalty.

02/07: Political Subdivisions Committee                 hearing 9:30


OKLAHOMA- updates

HB2546: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.

02/06/2019: Second Reading referred to Rules

HB2678: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.

02/06/2019: Second Reading referred to Rules

SB12: Firearms; modifying requirement for licensed carry. Effective date.

02/05/2019: Second Reading referred to Public Safety

SB781: Firearms; removing certain prohibition to transporting or storing firearms; prohibiting certain policy or rule. Effective date.

02/07/2019: Second Reading referred to Public Safety

SB783: Firearms; providing additional exception to preclusion to unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.

02/07/2019: Second Reading referred to Public Safety

SB894: Firearms; modifying preemption of firearm regulation. Effective date.

02/07/2019: Second Reading referred to Public Safety



HB326: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms, for sale or transfer of firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police.

Feb. 1, 2019: Referred to Judiciary

HB377: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for duties of the Pennsylvania State Police and for altering or obliterating marks of identification and providing for destruction of confiscated or recovered firearms.

Feb. 5, 2019: Referred to Judiciary



HB5332: Prohibits schools from offering employment incentives or bonuses to teachers on the condition that the teacher either is or becomes licensed to carry a weapon.

02/07/2019: Introduced, referred to House Judiciary



HB1041: provide for the carrying of a concealed pistol without a permit.

02/08/2019: House State Affairs- Scheduled for hearing. Room 414, 7:45 am


TENNESSEE- new, updates

HB545 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, increases from 21 to 30 the number of calendar days within which a person granted an order of protection may apply for a temporary handgun carry permit from the department of safety after an order of protection has been granted.

02/04/2019: Filed for introduction

HB568/SB828 [new]: Orders of Protection - As introduced, requires local law enforcement to conduct in-person checks to ensure person subject to order of protection has complied with dispossession of firearms requirement; makes various other changes regarding the dispossession of firearms requirement.

02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/04/2019: Filed for introduction
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/05/2019: Filed for introduction

HB645/SB564 [new]: Criminal Offenses - As introduced, reduces the punishment for a first violation of unlawful carrying of a handgun; prohibits law enforcement officer from confiscating the person's handgun and requires issuance of citation in lieu of arrest for such offense.

02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/04/2019: Filed for introduction
02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/05/2019: Filed for introduction

HB754/SB1402 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, prohibits certain persons voluntarily admitted to a mental health treatment facility from possessing a firearm.

02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/05/2019: Filed for introduction
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration

HB801/SB813 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, creates a Class A misdemeanor of leaving a firearm or firearm ammunition unattended or with a person under 18 years of age in a motor vehicle or boat, if the firearm is not locked in a trunk, glove box, or interior of the person's motor vehicle or boat.

02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/05/2019: Filed for introduction
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration

HB1049/SB943 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, authorizes the issuance of an extreme risk protection order that a law enforcement officer may seek to prevent a restrained person from being able to lawfully possess a firearm when the officer believes that the person is a danger to the person or another.

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Filed for introduction

HB1224/SB1025 [new]: Domestic Violence - As introduced, requires the court to order that a defendant convicted of domestic violence who transfers possession of firearms to a third party must have the third party complete and return to the court an affidavit certifying that the third party is not prohibited from possessing firearms, acknowledges receipt of firearms from the defendant, and accepts their responsibility under this section.

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Filed for introduction

HB1264/SB705 [new]: Handgun Permits - As introduced, creates a concealed handgun carry permit, which allows a person to carry a concealed handgun; redesignates the existing handgun carry permit as an enhanced handgun carry permit.

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/06/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/05/2019: Filed for introduction

HB1427/SB101 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, requires, when neither the seller nor purchaser of a firearm is a licensed gun dealer that the transaction be completed through a licensed gun dealer, and that the dealer perform the same background check required for purchases from licensed gun dealers

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Filed for introduction

HB1446/SB1178 [new]: Orders of Protection - As introduced, allows a law enforcement officer or person who has a relationship with the respondent to petition a court for the issuance of an extreme risk protection order based on clear and convincing evidence that the respondent poses a significant risk of causing personal injury to the respondent or others by possessing a firearm.

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Filed for introduction

HB1476/SB1312 [new]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, creates a Class A misdemeanor of leaving a firearm or ammunition in a motor vehicle or boat without the firearm or ammunition being stored in a locked cabinet, safe, vault, case, or secured with a firearm locking device if the vehicle or boat is left unattended or with a person under 18 years of age; directs fines collected be deposited in the criminal injuries compensation fund and the domestic violence community education fund

02/07/2019: Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Introduced
02/07/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration

HB187/S446 [update]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, enacts the "Second Amendment Civil Rights Act of 2019"; confers private rights of action upon a person to challenge government regulation of gun or sport shooting ranges.

02/01/2019: Assigned to s/c Constitutional Protections & Sentencing Subcommittee
02/06/2019: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee
02/04/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration

HB279/SB285 [update]: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, reduces from 15 to 10 the number of days in which a chief law enforcement officer must certify the transfer or making of a firearm after receiving a request, if the applicant making the request is not prohibited by law from receiving or possessing the firearm.

02/01/2019: Assigned to s/c Constitutional Protections & Sentencing Subcommittee

HB493/SB422 [update]: Firefighters - As introduced, allows firefighters and emergency medical technicians to carry handguns while engaged in the performance of official duties; requires annual completion of a firearm training program

02/04/2019: Withdrawn. Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
02/06/2019: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee
02/04/2019: Introduced, Passed on First Consideration


TEXAS –new, updates

HB1375 [new]: Relating to the regulation of certain firearm transfers; creating a criminal offense.

02/05/2019: filed

SB666 [new]: Relating to the reporting, maintenance, and use of certain misdemeanor conviction information for purposes of the databases used in a federal firearm background check

02/06/2019: filed

HB131/SB157 [update]: Relating to extreme risk protective orders and the prosecution of the criminal offense of unlawful transfer of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.

Senate: 02/01/2019: Read first time, referred to State Affairs

SB158 [update]: Relating to increasing criminal penalties for the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child

02/01/2019: Read first time, referred to State Affairs

SB204 [update]: Relating to increasing criminal penalties for the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child.

02/01/2019: Read first time, referred to State Affairs


UTAH- update

HB243: Domestic Violence Modifications

2/4/2019: Introduced, first reading. To Rules Committee



H159: An act relating to establishing a waiting period for firearms sales

2/5/2019: Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Judiciary


VIRGINIA- updates

HB1691: Manufacture, import, sale, transfer, or possession of undetectable firearms; penalty.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB1763: Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk of injury to himself, etc., penalties.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB1992: Localities; regulation of firearms in government buildings.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB2252: Firearms ordinances; applicability to property located in multiple localities.

02/06/19: Senate- Constitutional reading dispensed. Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
02/05/19: House- Read third time and passed House. Vote: 56-42
02/04/19: House- Read second time. Committee substitute agreed to 19105382D-H1. Amendments by Delegate Head agreed to. Engrossed by House.

HB2253: Nonresident concealed handgun permits; time of issuance.

02/06/19: Senate- Reported from Courts of Justice. Vote: 9-6

HB2399: Firearms; transfer, criminal history record check delay.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB2492: Firearms magazines and firearms, certain; penalties, prohibition of sale, transfer, etc.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB2504: Protective orders; possession of firearms, penalties.

02/05/19: Left in Courts of Justice

HB2604: Handguns; limitation on purchases, penalty.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

HB2797: Handgun and assault firearm transfers; criminal history record checks, age requirement, penalty.

02/05/19: Left in Militia, Police and Public Safety

SB1163: Firearms; trigger activators designed to increase the rate of fire, prohibition, penalty.

02/06/19: Left in Finance


WASHINGTON- update, hearing

HB1068/SB5062: Concerning high capacity magazines.

Feb 5: Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Feb 1: Executive action taken in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary. CRJ - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. Minority; do not pass


2/8/2019: House Civil Rights & Judiciary, House Hearing Rm A, 10:00 AM
Executive Session
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
HB 1739 - Concerning firearms that are undetectable or untraceable.
Public Hearing
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
HB 1786 - Improving procedures and strengthening laws relating to protection orders, no-contact orders, and restraining orders.
2/11/2019: Senate Law & Justice, Senate Hearing Rm 4, 10:00 AM
Public Hearing
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
SB 5434 - Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations.
SB 5508 - Clarifying background check requirements for an application for a concealed pistol license.
2/13/2019: House Civil Rights & Judiciary, House Hearing Rm A, 8:00 AM
Public Hearing
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
HB 1530 - Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations.
2/14/2019: Senate Law & Justice, Senate Hearing Rm 4, 10:00 AM
Executive Session
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
SB 5434 - Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations.
SB 5508 - Clarifying background check requirements for an application for a concealed pistol license.
2/15/2019: House Civil Rights & Judiciary, House Hearing Rm A, 10:00 AM
Executive Session
Agenda: Firearm related bills listed ONLY
HB 1786 - Improving procedures and strengthening laws relating to protection orders, no-contact orders, and restraining orders.
Public Hearing
HB 1465 - Concerning requirements for pistol sales or transfers.

WYOMING- update

HF183/SF75: Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments.

02/04/2019:  No report prior to CoW Cutoff
02/04/2019: postponed indefinitely



S351: A bill to prohibit Federal funding of State firearm ownership databases, and for other purposes.

2/06/2019: Introduced. Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Bill text: NA

New York Freedom Rider             
Freedom is not a spectator’s sport