Thursday, December 13, 2018

MOTORCYCLE PROFILING - DEADLINE DECEMBER 15, 2018 COC We need all club members in C A to take the survey

We need all club members in C A to take the survey we are way to short of people taking the survey gill…/       
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This is very important.  We need at least 500 people to complete the profile by this Saturday.  The statistics will be used as part of our California Anti-Profiling Legislation for 2019.  Even if you have completed this survey in the past, do it again.  Forward this to all your motorcycle groups, family, and friends.  Please make sure they understand the urgency of this request.  THE TIME TO DO THIS IS NOW!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email, text, or phone.

Nancy Nemecek


What can you do right now to help end Motorcycle Profiling? Please take a few minutes out of your busy day and take the 2018 National Motorcycle Profiling Survey. The NMPS is the primary tool being used to lobby federal and state legislators coast-to-coast. The NMPS is the only attempt to statistically analyze and quantify the extent of motorcycle profiling incidents in America. Your participation will help pass legislation both at the federal level and in your own state. There are only days left before the survey ends on December 15th, 2018. Act Now!

The survey asks no personal information and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
Go here to take the MPP’s 2018 National Motorcycle Profiling Survey.…/