Tuesday, November 27, 2018

For Immediate Release - November 26th, 2018 - The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Contracts with Husch Blackwell Strategies

For Immediate Release 
November 26th, 2018

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation Contracts with Husch Blackwell Strategies

As the 115th Congress nears an end the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has contracted with Husch Blackwell Strategies (HBS) a Washington, DC. based lobbying firm to pursue passage of our anti-profiling resolutions in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Our membership has stressed to the MRF how important these resolutions are to the motorcycling community and we are taking proactive steps to seek passage before the end of the year. HBS will advocate for us on Capitol Hill and continue the momentum that we have built over the last two years with this Congress.

Husch Blackwell Strategies (HBS) is a Washington, DC based lobbying firm with a dozen federal lobbyists representing both ends of the political spectrum. The staff at HBS has decades of experience both on Capitol Hill and on K Street advocating for client interests. HBS has a diverse client base representing everything from Fortune 500 companies to small trade associations. Additionally, HBS has a growing state lobbying practice with offices in Texas, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Missouri.

William “Rocky” Fox will lead our efforts with assistance from his colleagues at HBS.  Mr. Fox has over a decade of experience in the lobbying world. He has helped represent such clients as the Outdoor Amusement Business Association, MGM Casinos, Drive Right USA and AT&T. Mr. Fox began his career as a staffer on the House Transportation Committee during the passage of the 2005 Transportation bill (SAFTEA-LU). He is a graduate of the University of San Diego and holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from American University.

Below in a link to the HBS website: