Tuesday, September 18, 2018

California tells NRA to stop selling insurance policy


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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California has ordered the National Rifle Association to stop selling an insurance policy that covers legal costs for injury or damage from legally using a gun.
The state Department of Insurance on Tuesday issued a cease and desist order saying that the NRA sold an unlicensed insurance product in the state.
The order refers to the Self-Defense Insurance Policy included in the NRA's Carry Guard membership program. The policy covers some legal costs from criminal cases or lawsuits that arise when a gun is used for self-defense, recreation, hunting, or when a weapon fires accidentally.
About 2,400 Californians are policyholders.
The order carries a potential fine of $5,000 a day for violations.
The NRA can request a review of the order.
Messages to the NRA seeking comment weren't immediately returned.