Friday, August 17, 2018

What I gathered from doing a quick read of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling...

 1. Hawaii has a may issue permit system for open carry and conceal carry.
2. Lawsuit challenged this.
3. Court ruled that open carry was protected under the Second Amendment and conceal carry was not protected under the Second Amendment.
4. Permit issuance systems are legal.
5. Hawaii must change their may issue open carry permit system to a shall issue open carry system.

What this means for CA...
This can be used to challenge CA may issue open carry permit system in order to force CA to make it available throughout CA and change it to a shall issue open carry permit system.
Currently, CA may issue open carry permit system...
1. Only available in counties with a population of less than 200,000. (challenge to make it available to all counties). The 2010 US Census showed 30 of the 58 counties in CA had a population of less than 200,000.
2. Only valid in the county it is issued in. (challenge to make it valid throughout CA)
We need some people from one or more of the 30 (of the 58) counties with 200K or less people who doesn't have a carry license to apply for a loaded and expose license and get a written denial so their legal counsel or the NRA or CalGuns can challenge the law in court in lieu of the new appeals ruling.