Monday, August 27, 2018

Immigration Games

The Global War on Terror metamorphosed into a Global War on Motorcycle Clubs years ago – mostly because bikers are much easier to spot and arrest than Jihadis. For at least a decade Australia has been a laboratory where American federal police have experimented with ways to equate motorcycle outlaws with the Islamic State.
Three years ago at a secret, police only conference in North Carolina, ATF biker analyst Jeremy Sheetz bragged to a room dressed mostly in blue, “I just came back from Australia. We were assisting them in how to work long term investigations, how to change their laws.”
Australia is a good place to practice subverting the Bill of Rights because Australia doesn’t have a Bill of Rights.
A couple of recent, small stories illustrate this.

Stevan Utah

An Australian Bandido, scoundrel and former drug dealer who calls himself Steven Utah earned at least $600,000 and became the object of international attention after he decided to become a police informant in 2004. He invited much of the attention. He started giving interviews in 2007 and published a biker memoir titled Dead Man Running in 2008.
Utah claims he was himself betrayed by the Australian Crime Commission in 2006. He says he was almost murdered by his former club brothers and was then forced to flee to Canada.
Utah was granted refugee status by Canada almost a year ago. He had argued that he was forced out of his own country because of “corruption, ineptitude and structural difficulties” within several Australian police agencies. He is widely reported to be the first Australian refugee to be granted asylum by Canada.
This Australian immigrant story grows complicated because, apparently, Utah has run out of money. So he is now suing the Canada Border Services Agency for not granting him asylum sooner – on account of he is one of the English speaking peoples, as Winston Churchill put it. Utah is accusing Canadian officials of leaving his asylum request linger in “legal limbo” for many, long, cold Canadian winters because they did not take it seriously enough; because they didn’t equate living in a country with Bandidos to living in a country run by ISIS.
Utah is seeking $1.35 million for lost wages, presumably as a biker expert, $1 million in general and punitive damages – because when you have to hire lawyers you can always use an extra million – and another $200,000 to compensate him for mental difficulties because all that waiting around in Canada  has messed with his head,

Anonymous French Angel

Meanwhile, a 44-year-old man identified only as a French Hells Angel was taken into custody at Perth Airport by the Australian Border Force last Saturday after his flight from Singapore landed. He was denied entry into the country.
His entry visa was cancelled because his status as a member of his club presented “a risk to the health, safety or good order of the Australian community, or a segment of the community.”
A Border Force spokesman named Rod O’Donnell explained the visa cancellation by saying, “These gangs pose a significant threat to our community and are known to be involved in serious criminal activity including drug trafficking and violent crime. Any non-citizen involved with a criminal organization such as a bikie gang can expect to be identified and targeted by the ABF, have their Australian visa cancelled and then be removed from the country.”
The unnamed man was deported the next day.

With caution, as I do not intend a dialogue, Paladin’s idea about travel and entry/exit seem to me be in error. It is not a privilege to leave or return, travel is a right… It is a right according to law. By the way, the high cost of passports is, arguably, illegal due to this right. There’s a class-action suit…
Yes, people are properly examined, passports, visas, an all, but this has to follow equitable legal principle…and yes, the law is generally not closely followed, but there you have the discomforting and obvious implication that the Nth State is a criminal organization, eh? One clearly criminal gang setting up in judgement of individuals based of imaginary or secret denouncements and “tips”. One might be tempted to remember the 3erd Reich…
The topic of the essay is given in the first 3 paragraphs…and if I may say so, the topic is the gradual conflation of “terrorism” and “biker” or clubs in the mediaspace, and in law, and in law the cops intend to change (rather an insult to the legislative branch, eh? Some might say that’s treason to the Constitution, but I would say it merely seems like criminal conspiracy to commit a fraud, malfeasance, crimes along those lines.
It may be that the examples the author’s mooted, Mr U and Mr A, are not of absolutely sterling character. Rights must protect everyone equally before the law, or they are something more like what Paladin said… [mere] privilege [extended by a criminal gang} to somebody they “like”. Such as the intrepid Mr U, one might speculate.

To be fair I will note that in my lifetime the term “privilege” has replaced the term “right”…both in language, and also in reality. Now it is a “privilege” to live, as They claim the “right” (in law!) to kill anybody on Earth…can y’all spell “drone”? After they finish conflating turrursts and clubs, how long until they do a job on…well…whodyatink?