Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Video Proves FBI Uses Local Cops to Profile Bikers

Are you planning on attending the Motorcycle Profiling workshop on June 30, 10 am, at Hollywood's Roadhouse in Nashotah? Are you aware that if you attended a funeral, party or other function where 1% club members were present, you might have been photographed and labeled as an associate? You don't have to be in a motorcycle club to come under the scrutiny of the FBI and/or local authorities. Here's a prime example of some club members who were stopped and photographed, solely on the belief they associate with members of a 1% club in Texas. There was no other reason for the stop, and one of the officers explains they routinely stop riders based on information provided by, or requested by the FBI, for intelligence gathering. This is totally an illegal stop, and one example of profiling. You need to attend the workshop conducted by Double D, who is indisputably recognized as the expert in motorcycle profiling issues. Learn what your rights are and how to recognize if you're stopped illegally. You can only exercise your rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure if you know what those rights are. Be there or be sorry.