Sunday, May 6, 2018



WHEN:      Sunday, May 6, 2018             TIME:  12:00 noon   
WHERE:    Kate Sessions Park – Pacific Beach


Come on out an help us celebrate Motorcycle Awareness month.  Here is some of the usual subjects we will discuss:
  • Treasury Report
  • Membership
  • Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
  • Merchandise
  • Safety Report
  • Runs and Events (have an upcoming event … come tell us about it)
  • Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative    (More on CA Motorcycle Profiling Bill AB-2972 – see below)
  • Webmaster   
  • Old Business
  • New Business  

RUNS AND EVENTS.  Be sure to check the Bailing Wire (copy attached) for ABATE events.  Here’s the usual that are probably on your calendar:
  • Final Option Breakfast – May 6 – Coronado Bay HD – Believe it starts a little later now.
  • ABATE Local 11 Meeting – May 13 – Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721 Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido – 11 a.m.  Come for the meeting and breakfast … they have seats and you can arrive early and have breakfast, too. 
  • NCOM CONVENTION – May 10-13 – Mobile Alabama
  • BOOZEFIGHTERS OVERNIGHTER – June 15-17 -- DeAnza Resort

CA MOTORCYCLING PROFILING BILL AB-2972.  Another Call to Action (CTA) was sent to everyone April 28.  In the message from Nick Benson.  At the bottom of the email I added some important information about contacting Brian Maienschein (R-District 77).  Please read these Calls to Action and do you part.  

BAILING WIRE.  These are paper copies this month and I’m bringing a big box of them they sent me.  Hope someone can take a few to distributed.  Thanks.

OTHER.  For future meetings, if you have any subjects or topics you’d like discussed, please email Buddy Hampton at or me at and let us know what you’d like covered.  We’ll do our best.  Also, please remember to let us know if you change membership information--address, telephone, email, etc.  Send requests to Buddy Hampton at
Nancy Nemecek
Vice President – Local 6
Email –

Elist mailing list

AB2972 Assembly Support Flyer 26April18.pdf
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