Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Post That Is Pissing Off A Lot Of Bikers

I’ve gotten several emails from friends about this Facebook post.

I was going to just ignore it, but I keep seeing people repost it, so I thought I should say something about it.
This Facebook post has been going viral since the day this guy posted it and it’s really pissing off a lot of bikers.
A male by the name of Clifford Gibson of Odessa, Texas posted this message on his social media account directed at motorcyclists. He states in his message “You are not MY responsibility nor do I care about your life!”.
Now, I respect his right to freedom of speech, but this is crossing the line and extremely disrespectful. The message is offending a lot of bikers and I have a feeling this guy might want to go into hiding.
What do you think about his message? If you had the chance to talk to this guy what would you say? Let us know in the comments what your response would be.
Check it out the rest of the post below: