Friday, April 20, 2018

For Californians. Get out and sign petition

CALL TO ACTION – Support AB 2972 February 21, 2018California Motorcycle Anti-Profiling CoalitionLegislative Committee Motorcycle profiling is a pervasive problem inCalifornia. Motorcyclists are often targetedbecause of an overly-broad outlaw bikerstereotype. The historical pattern of evidenceis documented and irrefutable. Individuals andgroups of motorcyclists are regularly thevictims of selective enforcement from coast tocoast, particularly California, even duringpolitical and charitable events, solely based ontheir appearance, not their conduct.Motorcycle Profiling is Unconstitutional: Profiling relies on appearance to establish suspicion asopposed to the legal requirement of conduct. A motorcycle profiling stop amounts to the motorcyclistbeing detained, cited, motorcycle seized, or both because of constitutionally protected expression and / or association. The Solution: Assembly Bill 2972, introduced by Assemblymember Anna Caballero onFebruary 16, 2018 prohibits law enforcement from engaging in motorcycle profiling. This is a highlyeffective solution, with no required training or fiscal impact, and doesn't prevent law enforcement fromdoing their job.Link to AB 2972 in the California Legislative Website: The Time to Act is Now. Contact your local legislator and URGE him/her to SUPPORT AB 2972
1. Find your district legislators at the following link ◦

2. Click the link for your Assemblymember

3. On your Assemblymember's page, locate the “Contact Me” or “Email Us” button or pull-down link and click it

4. Fill out the required fields (note: your home address must be in the legislator'slocal district)

5. On the “Select an Issue:” pull-down field, select the option for commenting orsharing an opinion on a bill/legislation

6. Click the radio button “Support” 7. Cut / Paste the below scripted message in the “Comments” box – OR – write a personal message in your own words asking for his/her support in a professionaland respectful manner. ------ TO USE OUR SCRIPTED MESSAGE, CUT / PASTE THE MESSAGE BELOW ----- Motorcycle Profiling is a real and pervasive problem in California. The historical patternof evidence is documented and irrefutable. Individuals and groups of motorcyclists areregularly the victims of selective enforcement solely based on their appearance, not theirconduct even during funerals, political and charitable events. Motorcycle Profiling isUnconstitutional: Profiling relies on appearance to establish suspicion as opposed to thelegal requirement of conduct. A motorcycle profiling stop amounts to the motorcyclistbeing detained, cited, motorcycle seized, or both because of constitutionally protected expression and / or association. The costs to the state and local municipalities, as well as to law-abiding citizens of not addressing the issue of motorcycle profiling continue tomount as the problem gets worse. AB 2972 was introduced by Assemblymember AnnaCaballero, prohibiting law enforcement from engaging in this practice. This is a highlyeffective solution, with no required training or fiscal impact, and doesn't prevent lawenforcement from doing their job. Similar bills have already been enacted in WA andMD with other states proposing their own this year. As a taxpayer, voter and concernedconstituent of your district, I respectfully request and URGE you to support and voteAYE for AB 2972, both in your respective committee(s) and on the Assembly vote. Also,please consider becoming a Co-Author by contacting Anna Caballero's office. Thankyou for your consideration and action on this important bill – AB 2972.-----------------------8. Click the “Submit” button to send your message.9. PLEASE FORWARD/SHARE THIS CALL TO ACTION WITH ALL YOURFRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ALSO LIVE HERE INCALIFORNIA and ask them to send an email to to beadded to our Call-To-Action distribution list.10. Contact us at if you have problems or need assistancecompleting this process.For activities and updates related to AB 2972, please follow us on… Website: california Facebook: @CA_MCProfiling Thank you in helping to END MOTORCYCLE PROFILING IN CALIFORNIA!