Saturday, April 21, 2018




On the front page of the April 2018 Bailing Wire, AB-2972 (the Motorcyclist Anti-Profiling Bill) is incorrectly represented as an ABATE bill.  In fact; ABATE is only one of many Motorcycle Rights Organizations, Clubs, and Individuals that are helping with this bill.  Much credit for all of the hard work creating this awesome piece of legislation and the ongoing efforts to ensure its passage should also be going to the other members of the California Motorcyclist Anti-Profiling Committee including but not limited to:

·         Motorcycling Profiling Project (MPP)                      * 8American Motorcycle Association (AMA)

·         Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF)                     * BRO

·         U.S. Defenders                                                        * Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance (BOLT)

·         United Motorcycle Clubs of Alameda County

·         Confederation Of Clubs (COC) San Diego, Monterey Bay, and Southern California

This is just a partial list of all the organizations, clubs, and individuals that have ALL worked very hard to put this legislation together.   As you can see, this bill is a huge national effort that has required the work of a lot of freedom fighters, not just one organization.   ABATE of California is proud to be working with all of these  groups and individuals to make this bill a much needed law.


AB-2972 (Anti-Profiling Bill) needs your help.  This bill will be heard in the Committee on Public Safety sometime April 10th at 9:00a.m. in room 126 of the State Capitol Building. We are asking that every member of ABATE contact each member of the Committee on Public Safety (see attached contact information) and ask them to please support this important bill.  I have attached a .pdf that lists talking points and even a copy and paste section to make contacting these committee members very simple.

·         Please send a copy of your support request to the author of this bill – Assemblymember Anna Cabellero.   Please send it to her at:

·         If you have not yet contacted your own Assemblymember, please do so now and ask them to support this bill.  You can find your Assemblyperson at:

Contacting all of these reps is a critical part of you helping us to ensure the passage of this bill.  Please email, mail or fax, a short and simple note to all of them asking for their support.  Now is the time to stand up and be heard!  ALL means of contact are important and needed.  We have found that faxing your request is sometimes better than email because our reps get a lot of emails.  But emails do work, so don’t hesitate to send emails!  If you prefer to fax your requests to the committee members, here are their fax numbers. (Emails and addresses are on the attached sheet)

Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr – Chairman - (916) 319-2159

Tom Lackey – Vice-Chairman (916) 319-2136

Wendy Carrillo – (916) 319-2151

Lorena S. Gonzalez Fletcher – (916) 319-2180

Kevin Kiley – (916) 319-2106

Bill Quirk – (916) 319-2120

Miguel Santiago – (916) 319-2153

 Please DO contact us at  or for questions or information.

Thank you for being an ABATE member!

Nick Benson Sr

Assistant Legislative Director

ABATE of California, INC


APPLE VALLEY, CA  92307-9223

Phone: 760.956.1669 / Fax 760.956.6519