Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Veterans' Voices on PTSD

Thank you for writing.

If you have PTSD, it doesn’t mean you just have to live with it.

Only a trained mental health professional can diagnose PTSD; however, our website explains the symptoms of PTSD and some of the treatment options and resources that are available:

You can also use this confidential PTSD self-assessment to get more information:

You may want to see PTSD Coach Online. It contains 17 self-help tools to help manage symptoms following trauma. If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, you may also want to download the free PTSD Coach app:

Hundreds of thousands of Veterans have gotten treatment for PTSD—and treatment works. Whether you just returned from combat deployment or experienced another kind of traumatic event, it’s never too late to get professional treatment or support for PTSD. Find resources near you to help: Also, Veterans and family members who receive care at VA facilities and clinics and feel their concerns are not being addressed by their treatment teams are encouraged to talk to the patient advocate at their VA medical center. For more information about patient advocacy, visit: