Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Obama Tax Audit Turns Up MILLIONS In Offshore Accounts Stolen From Taxpayers

In what may turn out to be one of the most “legacy damaging” stories of the last decade, it seems that “Royalty Payments for Obamacare” to the sum of $411 million has been paid by the US Treasury to three offshore (tax-haven) accounts under the name of Barry Soetoro, LCC.
The payments were made under the Obamacare Bill from 2010, to cover the expenses and royalties associated with naming the bill. These payment were officially stopped as the bill was renamed the Affordable Care Act.
Let’s check out the salient points:
  • Payments were made for the naming of and royalties associated with Obamacare.
  • These payments were to a company registered as Barry Soetoro, LCC.
  • Barack Obama has denied many times that Barry Soetoro is an alias he uses.
  • Someone, behind the naming of Obama care is clearly called  Barry Soetoro.
  • The payments were made into three accounts spread across the Caymen Islands, Ireland and Caledonia.
  • The payments came from the US Treasury.
So who is this Barry Soetoro? It is clearly someone of influence (they did after all name the Obamacare bill), and they haven’t paid taxes on the money in the US. That’s almost $170 million in unpaid taxes. We need answers to this.