Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Are you truly free? Can you really spend your money as you see fit? Can you express your actual thoughts without affecting your employment or your finances? Can you say anything you want without any negative consequences? At first, the natural answer is, “yes, of course I can.” But can you really? If you stop and think about these questions for a couple of minutes, you will start to realize that the answer is not so obvious.
The government actually dictates to you how much of your money you can keep for yourself and how much you must “give” to them. Does the word “tax” ring a bell? Who doesn’t carefully consider their words before they speak, especially if they are speaking in front of their boss or their customers. Expressing certain thoughts can have a negative effect on your life and your finances. In our politically correct culture, you must be extra careful concerning what you say and who you allow to hear your true thoughts. Is this really freedom?
In truth, you are not truly free. You are free to live your life as you see fit as long as you adhere to certain boundaries that our government sets up, and those boundaries are becoming more and more restrictive every year. Just look at the changes in the political climate over the last 30 years. More and more of your freedoms are slipping away and the government always seems to justify it one way or another. See things as they really are and take the appropriate steps to ensure your future.