Sunday, September 17, 2017

USA - Do you know your states benefits? If not check here.

State Veteran's Benefits
us map with state abbreviations

Everyone knows about the federal benefits available to veterans, but did you know many states also offer great benefits to their veterans? State benefits range from free college and employment resources to free hunting and fishing licenses. Most states also offer tax breaks for their veterans and specialized license plates, some states even provide their veterans with cash bonuses just for serving in the military.
We have compiled a handy summary of the benefits each state and territory offers, each summary page also has a link directly to the  specific State Department of Veterans Affairs. Be sure to check it out, there may be a benefit available to you or your family that you didn't know about!
Alabama Louisiana Ohio
Alaska Maine Oklahoma
Arizona Maryland Oregon
Arkansas Massachusetts Pennsylvania
California Michigan Rhode Island
Colorado Minnesota South Carolina
Connecticut Mississippi South Dakota
Delaware Missouri Tennessee
Florida Montana Texas
Georgia Nebraska Utah
Hawaii Nevada Vermont
Idaho New Hampshire Virginia
Illinois New Jersey Washington
Indiana New Mexico West Virginia
Iowa New York Wisconsin
Kansas North Carolina Wyoming
Kentucky North Dakota Washington D.C.
U.S. Territories
Guam Puerto Rico Northern Mariana Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands