Tuesday, September 19, 2017

CalGang violates people’s rights, operates with no oversight

To recap the audit: CalGang violates people’s rights, operates with no oversight, is chockfull of unsubstantiated information and data that should have been purged, and has diminished value in protecting public safety.
Assemblymember Shirley Weber has the start of a solution: A.B. 2298.
This bill would write into law all new transparency and accountability measures for the controversial CalGang database and at least 11 other gang databases managed by local law enforcement agencies in California.
For example:
Law enforcement would be required to notify you if they intend to add you to the database.
You would have the opportunity to challenge your inclusion in a gang database.
Law enforcement agencies would have to produce transparency reports for anyone to look at with statistics on CalGang additions, removals, and demographics.
EFF has joined dozens of civil rights groups like the Youth Justice Coalition to support this bill. If you live in California, please join us by emailing Gov. Jerry Brown to encourage him to sign A.B. 2298 into law.