Wednesday, August 30, 2017


This Call to Action was sent out by the US Defenders.  Whether you are a club member or not, please take a minute and read this message, then click on the link at the bottom and take one more minute or two to send a message to our California legislators:  Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA).  Thank you, Nancy

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The Following CTA is being sent to you on behalf of  
​​Jason, California State, US Defenders. 
Please distribute this info to your clubs . . .
Right now there is motorcycle profiling legislation awaiting action in our nation’s Capital.
What’s stopping them from moving this legislation? YOUR VOICE. In less than two minutes you can tell your Congressmen and Senators that its time to END MOTORCYCLE PROFILING by passing H.Res.318 and S.Res154. We must tell our lawmakers that the pattern of evidence suggests that OVER 50% of bikers all over the country feel profiled simply because they are riding a bike.
Click on the link below to be automatically matched up to your elected officials where a pre-written email awaits your signature.
 No matter your colors, affiliation, race, or gender, we must fight against the injustices imposed on us.

P.S.  I just sent this -- it literally took me 2 minutes!  Send your message today!  Respectfully, Pita