Saturday, August 26, 2017

ABATE Local 6 Meeting - September Meeting


WHEN:      Sunday, September 3, 2017               TIME:  12:00 noon   
WHERE:    Kate Sessions Park – Pacific Beach

This is the regularly scheduled meeting date of our next meeting.  BUT, Snowman, Chop, and I will all be out of town and we’re the ones who normally handle the meeting.  If someone else can step in, that would work, too.  If not, Snowman and I agreed that it might be best to CANCEL the meeting for September … it is a holiday weekend and the attendance is usually a bit small.

Please let me know your thoughts if you’d like to run the meeting or would not be happy with it being cancelled.  You will have to email me at as ABATE Local 6’s elist email does not have the capability of incoming emails.  Your opinion and input are important.

Have a wonderful Labor Day Holiday ….

Nancy Nemecek
Vice President – Local 6
Email –