Wednesday, July 12, 2017

WTF - Citizens Against Motorcyclists

In case you missed it, a new page titled Citizens Against Motorcyclists popped up on Facebook six days ago.
According to its anonymous author, the page “is a grassroots social organization aimed at outlawing motorcycles and prosecuting those who engage in ‘biker’ culture. Join our cause and help us to rid the roadways of these savages!”
As of this morning, the page had 27 followers and 269 comments to posts like “Did you know biker clubs are responsible for 90% of sex trafficking, drugs and child pornography in America?”
And, “Like And Share If You Think Police Officers Should Be Able To Search Motorcyclists Without Probable Cause!” Of course, police do that already by using imagined traffic violations, their expert “training and experience,” drug detecting wonder dogs and the motor vehicle exception to the Fourth Amendment.

Wait For It

Creating yet more constitutional exceptions for motorcyclists is something Citizens Against Motorcyclists is “really trying to push. Here’s why. Bikers already look very intimidating, most of them carry weapons and also have Drugs/paraphernalia on them. If anything, Motorcyclists should be open to this not only to prove they’re abiding all laws, but to also assure the police officer’s safety. LIKE & SHARE IF YOU AGREE.”
Enjoy Citizens Against Motorcyclists while you can. Chris Rock once said something like, “If you want to know whether somebody is stupid or smart, tell him a joke.”
Like, “Don’t you hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious?”
Citizens Against Motorcyclists is one of those jokes. It is drily tongue in cheek and a little too subtle in the Age of Trump.

Satire Is Dead

Some commenters seem to get it. One describes the page as “PETA meets bikers.”
But satire is currently on its deathbed so most of them don’t. “What the actual fuck. This is bull shit. If they can just search me for being on my Harley then they can just search you for driving your BMW and for being a dumb fuck,” one concerned biker sputtered.
And, “Ru a fucking Asshole or what.” And, “Fuck you and your ignorant stereotyping. You wouldn’t qualify to be biker material. Our standards are far higher.” And, “Frkn nutz!! Get rid of the soccer moms that are so fucked up on wine and prescription drugs!!! Then get rid of the Trucking industry as well!!!” And, “…your dumb ass should go get a booth at Sturgis and spread the word see how that goes for you.” And, so on.
The real fun has yet to begin. There are, after all, actual, grassroots groups with names like Concerned Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles. So just wait until the bikers rights crusaders discover this guy, whoever he is.