Monday, July 3, 2017

CA - The Legislature passed the State Budget

by James Lombardo,
The Legislature passed the State Budget
on time! According to the Sacramento Bee “Members would have lost
their $471.00 tax free per diem for the week had the Budget not passed by the
June 15th Deadline” - an extra incentive to pass the Budget on time!
Now, they are back to working on the remaining bills before the July 15th recess.Our bills are proceeding through the process. SB 672 by Senator Jean Fuller removes its sunset thereby making
permanent our successful effort to get Caltrans, cities and counties to alter
the detection loops of traffic lights to detect motorcycles and bicycles when
stopped at a light. If our bill is not signed by Governor Brown, detectors will not
be replaced or correctly calibrated and-we'll be back to sitting at traffic signals
until a car comes along to trigger the green light change. SB 672 is awaiting
a hearing in the Assembly Transportation Committee, having passed out of
the Senate unopposed.Our other bill, AB 1027 by Assemblyman
Dante Acosta, allows experienced motorcycle riders to be able to take the
Intermediate Course and pass a One Day Class in order to get their DL 389 waiver
and not have to take the DMV lollipop test, only the written test. AB 1027 Acosta
has passed the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee and is in Senate
Appropriations.See you at the Board and Legislative/PAC meetings July 29th in Buena Park!
Thanks to all for your Contributions to the Dedicated Lobbyist Fund!

Executive Director’s Report
by Dave Hastings, Executive
July signals we have passed the half way point of the year and it’s now time to examine
our wins, losses, and draws, and revisit and evaluate the goals we currently have in place.
Wins: We were successful in our ABATE led quest to “legalize” lane splitting in California
and we are working closely with the CHP  and other MROs in California to get the “official”
guidelines published. Once this is accomplished, the CHP and other Law Enforcement
agencies will have a standard to abide by statewide and they will also be able to implement
an educational program for ALL motor vehicles in California.
I think the word is already getting out to the vehicle owners of our state because I have noticed
an increased awareness and a subtle, but more gracious, attitude by drivers when I split
lanes in my area. Hopefully this is occurring statewide and benefiting every California rider. Do your part and be a good example of a “lane splitter” and this can be a win/win for everyone who travels
our highways. Acknowledge those drivers who give you some extra “lane room” out on the
road and be as patient as possible with those who are not yet aware of the new rules. These
things take time and this is still a work in progress We have several other pieces of legislation
we are supporting and monitoring as they move through the legislative process and you
can stay informed by checking our Bailing Wire and ABATE web page for updates.
Draws: We were able to successfully stop several negative pieces of legislation that were
introduced on both street and off-road issues and we are again monitoring and working diligently
to ensure these bills are not resurrected. Chuck Pedersen, our Legislative Director, and
Jim Lombardo, our Lobbyist in Sacramento, are the men to contact for legislative issues and updates.
Losses: Funding for our organization! We did not hold our annual Regional Rally here in
southern California this year and we are still evaluating the feasibility of holding the State
Run. In the past, both of these events were large contributors to our General, PAC, and Lobbyist
Fund accounts, but the operational cost increases and declining attendance numbers have
resulted in less and less profit every year. The Board of Directors decided to place
both events on temporary hold in 2017 and we are still examining ways to either make these
events more profitable or substitute some other function in their place to raise money for our
organization. If you have any ideas for a fundraiser and would be willing to help us implement
those ideas, please contact me or any other ABATE Officer statewide.
Even though we are a “not for profit” organization,
it still costs money to keep our office doors open and accomplish our goals. Help us
raise the necessary funds to keep ABATE the premier, all volunteer, motorcycle organization
in California.
By maintaining our independent funding status we are not beholden to anybody but our
members and we can pursue any course of action, legislation, or flight of fancy our members
desire. This is what makes ABATE such a powerful
grass roots organization. Our members suggest, they vote, and run our organization -
not some suit in an office that only cares about company profit and personal financial gain.
Help us turn our loss into a gain by suggesting and implementing a new item or event to raise
funds and maintain our ABATE independence and integrity. Every rider in California will benefit
from your suggestion. I’ve laid our progress for the first six months
out on the line for your evaluation and now I’m asking for your help. We still have six months
left in 2017. Working together we still have time to evaluate, revise our plans and goals, and seek
a better economic and legislative outcome for the last six months of this year.
Let’s get started soon - I’m waiting for your call! Dave Hastings (760) 947-4700