Tuesday, July 25, 2017



Near and Dear to the Former Marine

Returning to civilian life after military service is a hard process. It’s twice as hard if you saw combat. Every day, hundreds of military vets make this leap. Often they feel alone. Fortunately, with the help of the military, organizations, and kind souls, this process becomes a bit easier.
Michael Ehline (left) looks on to the class of vets and active duty personnel with Joseph Low (right)
That was the scene down in Camp Pendletonin July. 84 Marines and Sailors attended the Veterans Transition Support “No Cost Transition Program” at the Wounded Warrior Battalion. Among the activities was a 10 hour OSHA Safety Course.
Russell Levy, head of the Veterans Transition Support program, set it up for the vets. The program continues, including another OSHA Safety course in August, October, and November. Furthermore, there are also other educational programs. These include a LEAN Continuous Improvement Cert, Warehouse Safety Plans, OSHA Record Keeping, VA Home Loan Benefits, and more.
Former Marine and current LA area injury attorney Michael Ehline was one of the guest speakers. Ehline spoke about how education makes a major difference both in and out of military service. In addition, he tied in the work ethic of the Service with other professions.
Many veterans enter various fields. These include factory work, contracting, and white collar jobs like accounting and law. That’s what Ehline did, reading the law before passing the bar. Ehline joined another Marine veteran attorney, Joseph Low, in the discussion.
There are many moving parts to the transition back to civilian life. These include the possibility of medical claims revolving around the time in the service. These often carry with the vet well beyond their time of service. Keeping detailed medical records and being in touch with officials offsets some of these issues.
“It was a great honor to help my comrades in arms,” Ehline said after the event. “They are not alone. We will fight with them.”
For more information about Ehline Law, please contact our office. We are veteran owned and specialize in aiding vets of all ages. Feel free to call us toll free at 888-400-9721.