Saturday, July 8, 2017

AUSTRALIA - 1000 corruption allegations against police in three months: CCC reports

More than 1000 allegations of corruption relating to Queensland police have been made in the past three months, according to the Crime and Corruption Commission.
In information reported to the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee on June 12, the CCC received 798 complaints of corruption containing 1513 allegations between February 1 to April 30 this year.
Of those complaints, 1009 related to police and 504 related to other public sector agencies, including government-owned corporations.
The CCC assessed 694 of those complaints, of which nine were retained as CCC investigations, 451 were referred to the appropriate agency and 234 required no further action.
As a result of investigations led by the CCC, 10 police officers were charged with 49 offences.
A Joint Assessment and Moderation Committee between CCC and Queensland Police Service assessed 456 complaint matters in the six months to April 2017.
In terms of CCC's organised crime and criminal paedophilia investigations, seven people were charged with 575 offences between February 1 and April 30 this year.
The CCC conducted four investigations that resulted in four people being charged with 30 child sex offences.
A CCC report on options for preventing and disrupting cold-call investment fraud was handed into the Attorney-General for consideration while a CCC assessment of amphetamine-type manufacturing trends in Queensland was finalised and delivered to national and international law enforcement agencies.
Since the CCC's last annual report, there have been 19 restraining orders obtained over property valued at $6.2 million, with the state the recipient of seven forfeitures of property valued at $930,000.
There are 96 civil confiscation matters involving restrained property valued at $53.33 million in progress.