Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Trump’s GENIUS border wall plan (Mexico WILL pay for it!)

by Walter W. Murray, reporter

How slick is this?  https://thehornnews.com/trumps-genius-border-wall-plan-mexico-will-pay/ 
For years, politicians have treated hard-working American taxpayers like piggy banks, pulling every last cent they can out of each and every one of us.Finally, President Donald Trump is reversing that trend. He announced an ingenious new plan this week to enact one of the biggest promises of his campaign… and to make Mexico pay for it.And the tree-hugging liberals are going to have a hard time crying over this one, because it’s also good for green energy.Trump has painted liberals into a corner of their own making, because his new plan involves not only building a wall along the Mexican border, but covering it with solar panels so it can generate clean power.Who’s paying for the wall? Mexico, whose citizens would be buying some of the energy.In other words, the wall is paying you, the American taxpayer!Covered in those panels, the wall could become a major energy source that could plug into the grid and lower the burden on American taxpayers in any number of ways as it brings power to residents from San Diego to San Antonio to Tijuana.It’s the ULTIMATE free-market solution to a problem facing taxpayers… and one that, thanks to the very same market… could be solved for ZERO money.Americans would even TURN A PROFIT on the deal!With solar development now cheaper than ever, the market is ready to step in and help in ways that they never would under the burdensome restrictions and heavy regulations of a liberal regime.