Thursday, July 5, 2018

STOP- Motorcycle Profiling-Harassment


I am raising $25,000 in order to continue a lawsuit against the City of Coolidge Arizona, and the State of Arizona for Motorcycle Profiling, Harassment, and Discrimination. My Husband and I moved to this rural community so that I could open a Motorcycle Repair & Tattoo (I am a MMI Graduate and Harley Davidson Certified Mechanic) we also opened a Bar called Momma Juggs. Both businesses were open to all, and unlike the current pattern of discrimination, we encouraged Motorcycle Clubs to come to our establishments. Under Public Records Laws, we have found evidence of a sustained, continuous pattern of abuses by the City and the State. The Chief telling all of his Police Officers to conduct "Intense" Traffic Stops on Motorcyclists, singling out Motorcyclists for "Zero Tolerance", Constant and Continuous Surveillance on my home, and my two businesses, we had a councilman say that he wouldn't vote for a liquor license for a "Biker" bar,(or a Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Bar either). Sadly, due to the harassment, I had to sell my Motorcycle Shop at a loss of $75,000. We have filed a tort claim, but now need help affording our Attorney to carry this forward.

This is a cause not just for us, but for EVERY Motorcycle Enthusiast in the Country....If We don't stop them here.....What's next? No Black, Mexicans, Gays, People Under 5"6" are going to be harassed.

In the last year, My name has been mentioned in a Murder, Two Arson's, a kidnapping, a hate crime, and two Aggravated Assaults, all BS charges just meant to harass. 

Please, anything helps