Thursday, June 29, 2017

CALIFORNIA - ABATE Local 6 Meeting - July 2, 2017


WHEN:      Sunday, July 2, 2017               TIME:  12:00 noon   
WHERE:    Kate Sessions Park – Pacific Beach


Snowman is on his way to Hollister for his annual 4th of July Party, so I’ll take care of the meeting and hope a bunch of our members and friends will join me.

For the meeting this Sunday, we’ll cover some of our standard subjects plus whatever else anyone would like to discuss:
  • General Business                                                                                             
  • Treasury Report
  • Membership
  • Legislative and Judicial Updates
  • Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
  • Merchandise
  • Safety Report
  • Runs and Events
  • Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative  
  • Webmaster   
  • Old Business
  • New Business  

ABATE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE RAFFLE TICKETS.  We have 100 raffle tickets to sell so if anyone would like to purchase a few, I’ll have them at the meeting.  What we don’t sell, usually the Local buys the rest.  We’ve won in the past and it’s a really good cause. 

RUNS AND EVENTS.  Be sure to check the Bailing Wire for ABATE events.  Here’s a couple to put on your calendar:
  • Final Option Breakfast – July 2 – Sweetwater HD – 8:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Upstairs.  Plenty of time to ride to Sweetwater, have a good breakfast, and then head up to Kate Sessions!
  • ABATE Local 11 Meeting – July 9  – Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721 Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido – 11 a.m.  Come for the meeting and breakfast … they have seats and you can come early and have breakfast, too. 
  • ABATE Board of Directors Meeting – July 29 – American Legion in Buena Park.  This is a new time and place.  A meeting notice is attached.  It you haven’t attended a board meeting, this one is close.

BAILING WIRE.  This is an electronic Bailing Wire month.  If you didn’t received it, it’s attached.

For future meetings, if you have any subjects or topics you’d like discussed, please email to let me know what you’d like covered.  We’ll do our best.  Also, please remember to let us know if you change membership information--address, telephone, email, etc.  Send requests and updates to
Nancy Nemecek
Vice President – Local 6
Email –