Thursday, April 6, 2017

Reporting Incidents Of Motorcycle Profiling In California


Reporting Incidents Of Motorcycle Profiling In California
Accumulating a viable pattern of evidence is critical to passing a law addressing the issue of motorcycle profiling.
The NMPS 2016-2017 expands and extends the results of the NMPS 2015-2016. In addition to basic demographic information, the NMPS allows you as a participant to report specific incidents of profiling that occur in California - NO PERSONAL DATA IS REQUIRED.
The MPP evaluates the survey results in order to identify the most viable incidents and follows up with the provided contact information in order to fully develop the incident report so it can be included in the final the legislative proposal.
An immediate response system is also in place to report particularly egregious incidents of profiling, particularly incidents accompanied by video.
Send links to your videos to:
This will allow integration into the presented pattern of evidence and provide an opportunity to expand awareness through grassroots developed media exposure.…/

National Survey

Recently, the National Motorcycle Profiling Survey 2015-2016 concluded and the results definitively demonstrate that motorcycle profiling is an epidemic in America. Many motorcyclists in America have been targeted based on appearance, not behavior. The NMPS 2015-2016 is 99% reliable with only a 1.4% deviation.

The 2016-2017 NMPS is intended to more accurately define profiling trends so resources and attention can be focused on the areas that need it the most. As the movement to end motorcycle profiling continues to gain momentum, statistical data and demographic information are an important tool in the efforts to obtain legislative relief across the country.

Please take the time to take the survey. Note: NO PERSONAL DATA IS REQUIRED! YOUR PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY ARE IMPORTANT AND RESPECTED. By asking for no more than your zip code and email, which is completely voluntary, there is no personal information to maintain or protect.

Participation is critical and will have long lasting, positive impacts on the community. Remember. Silence is consent.
To begin the survey please click the “NEXT” button in the box below.  Thank you.

Create your own user feedback survey

Once you have completed the survey  we ask that you share with your friends.  The more people that fill out this survey, the more likely we are to accomplish our goals.  Thank you.