Monday, March 27, 2017

CANADA - Banning bikers' colours unconstitutional, Redmond says

It is always nice to see a leader leading and not following... Common sense and not just the tax grab ....Good Job .
SUMMERSIDE, PE.I. - Premier Wade MacLachlan's proposed legislation to ban biker clubs colors has been deemed as unconstitutional by New Democratic Party Leader Mike Redmond.

“The premier's stance painting all bike clubs, and motorcycle enthusiasts in Atlantic Canada as criminal is discriminatory and misleading," Redmond said in a news release.

With health care costs ballooning, no monies for manors and education, why on earth would the premier want to go down this road?
Mike Redmond

He pointed to a Saskatchewan court ruling in 2009 that found similar proposed legislation had violated a person's right to freedom of expression.

He added: “We have a premier that spends more time in the court system defending his misguided legislative decisions than having open and transparent debates, and after all these are taxpayers dollars, not his.”

The NDP Leader also wants the premier to disclose how much money the provincial government is spending on legal costs.

“With health care costs ballooning, no monies for manors and education, why on earth would the premier want to go down this road?"

NDP Leader Mike Redmond says that Premier Wade MacLauchlan's call to ban the wearing of colours by bikers is unconstitutional.