Wednesday, February 1, 2017

AUSTIN, Texas — Motorcyclists ask lawmakers to put the brakes on profiling

AUSTIN, Texas — Hundreds of bikers from across the state and country will gather on the south steps of the State Capitol Monday to ask lawmakers to end motorcycle profiling. More than 400 met at a bar in Round Rock Sunday to gear up for the trip to Austin.
The group of bikers from many different associations and organizations says motorcyclists just want the freedom to ride the open road, without being singled out as criminals, but some say it seems like those days are over.
“If you wear a patch, you better have some bail money,” says Will Dulaney, President of Hell on Wheels Motorcycle Club.
Dulaney is also with the National Council of Clubs, which formed to protect bikers' political and legal interests after the 2015 shootout that left nine dead at a Twin Peaks in Waco.
“This is not about one club. This is not about what happened in Waco two years ago. This is about what's happening all over the country and here in Texas. Profiling is really getting to epidemic levels,” Dulaney says.
And with so many motorcyclists who are combat veterans, he says it’s ironic that that the people who fought for freedom feel that their right to freedom is being violated.
“We are absolutely the people who are having these civil liberties trampled upon -- our right to associate, our right to congregate, our right to ride our motorcycles free and unfettered,” Dulaney says.
He wants lawmakers to look at law enforcement training.
“You're not just born with an attitude toward bikers, like this. It has to be some indoctrination process,” Dulaney said.
He also wants legislators to look at hard data and whether or not the people who say they’re getting dangerous bikers off the streets really are.
“Look and see, what are the actual convictions?” said Dulaney.
“Honestly, the biggest thing is to correct the language in profiling and anti-profiling,” says Ron “Bone” Blackett with the Texas Confederation of Clubs & Independents.
Blackett lost friends at Twin Peaks.
“They can't stand here with us and celebrate the healthy side of all of this, and that hurts,” said Blackett.
And he says a little understanding can go a long way.
“We’ve got to look at it and say, ‘Ok what can we do to change it so it doesn't happen again. I think the biggest thing is education and getting boots on the ground when we go to the Capitol,” Blackett said.
He and hundreds of other motorcyclists expect to arrive at the Capitol at 1 p.m. Monday. They’re also working on a few safety issues with Senator Kirk Watson, including lane filtering and what to do when a red light sensor doesn't detect a motorcycle.

News Article written by: 
Sophia Stamas