Posted By BikersPost
BOISE – Legislation to ban “motorcycle profiling” in Idaho won strong
support from the House Judiciary Committee this afternoon, as members
praised the bill’s backers and voted unanimously to send the measure to
the full House.
“This is the people’s house, and you are welcome
any time, as is anybody who wants to come in and address their
government,” Rep. Christy Perry, R-Nampa, told the big crowd of
motorcycle enthusiasts as she moved to approve the bill.
Robert Anderst, R-Nampa, told the committee, “Today I’m presenting to
you not just as a bill sponsor but as an advocate. For most of my life
I’ve been in and around the motorcycling community.”
The bill, HB
123, defines “motorcycle profiling” as “the arbitrary use of the fact
that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related
paraphernalia as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take
enforcement action, arrest or search a person or vehicle,” and forbids
“For years the motorcycle community has been working to
propose legislation related to profiling stops,” Anderst said. “What you
have before you today is a simple bill that addresses this issue.”
“Double D” Devereaux of the Motorcycle Profiling Project traveled from
Tacoma to speak in favor of the bill; Washington was the first state to
ban motorcycle profiling in 2011, followed by Maryland. Advocates in
Washington report that complaints of profiling have dropped by 90
percent since the law passed.
“There is no downside,” Devereaux
told the Idaho lawmakers. “HB 123 simply prohibits motorcycle profiling.
… It has no fiscal impact. … It also reduces the state’s exposure to
civil liability.”
He said the bill passed unanimously in both
those states, and won the support of law enforcement. “It helps repair
the relationship between the biking community and law enforcement,”
Devereaux said. “This bill just works. … It’s also very consistent with
both the federal constitution and the Idaho constitution.”
Triplett of the Idaho Coalition for Motorcycle Safety also spoke in
support of the bill, calling it “a good beginning,” and saying, “There
are but a few who engage in the practice of profiling.”
said, “This bill is about the future, not the past. Instead of lining
people up to share their stories, the goal today is to take a step
toward improving the relationship between law enforcement and the
motorcycle community, not hurting it.”
Rep. Karey Hanks, R-St.
Anthony, complimented the group on its strong turnout in support of the
bill; backers waited quietly in the packed committee room for over an
hour before their bill came up.
Hanks called it “a great
outpouring of support,” and said, “We have several bills that we’d like
to have people come and support. … I do commend you for coming in
support of this, this is great.”
Rep. Melissa Wintrow, D-Boise, said, “I do not like profiling of anyone.”
said, “We definitely aren’t the caricature sensationalized on TV. Just
like any large group, we are made up of individuals … tradesmen to
attorneys, truckers to clergy – even a few legislators. What I can say
is that the vast majority are hardworking, productive members of society
who want to be left alone.”
Voters in Kentucky passed a ballot initiative on Election Day to
legalize marijuana for recreational use, ending the prohibition on pot.
Proposition 64 allows adults over the age of 21 to use, possess, and
transport up to an ounce of marijuana for non-medical purposes, and grow
as many as six plants at home.
The bill also imposes a 15 tax on sales of the drug, generating up to $1
billion in new tax revenue annually, according to the state's
nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office.
Are you aware of these new laws?
A variety of new laws affecting motorcyclists took effect with the new
year, with some more significant than others. Safety, and in some cases,
making life easier for those of us who ride, are common themes.
California has been the big shot taking center stage, first by finally
making lane-splitting officially allowed, and now with new regulations
that prohibit the use of handheld devices by drivers. But all around the
country we are seeing the green light for everything from red light
laws to blue light laws for 2017.
Legalizing lane-splitting might not seem, at face value, to be a law
with safety for motorcyclists at the forefront. For some riders in
states where it is very much illegal, lane-splitting is one of those
I’m-so-bad-catch-me-if-you-can activities. In California, however, it
has never been illegal. The mission with formalizing laws in regards to
this commonly accepted practice is to make it safer for all motorists.
Tennessee is considering a law to allow motorcyclists to use highway
shoulders to exit the roadway when traffic is moving at 25 mph or less.
The posted speed limit must be 50 mph or more for this to be acceptable.
Not quite as cool as legal lane-splitting, but still progress. I will
consider this a win for air-cooled bikes.
"Dead red" laws, dealing with traffic signals that don't detect motorcycles,
continue to be addressed nationwide. Pennsylvania and New Jersey, since
last summer, have joined the list of states that allow motorcyclists to
proceed through intersections in the event of a malfunctioning red
light sensor. About half of U.S. states have enacted some variation of
this law and I anticipate more will follow suit this year.
Illinois started off the new year with a newly legalized "blue light"
bill for motorcyclists. In many states, the color blue is still reserved
for law enforcement, but now the ol’ blue dots in the center of red
brake lights are back in action. Some riders like them just for the
looks, but Josh Witkowski, public communications officer for the Lincoln
Land Chapter of ABATE Illinois, said there is a safety issue, too.
“What this does is it creates a contrast," Witkowski told the Rockford Advocate.
"When that motorcyclist hits their brake, you see a contrasting light
almost instantly. It’s good for visibility out there on the road, which
increases safety and reduces the risk of accidents.”
Image from the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State.
us not neglect Illinois’ other new for 2017 law, which allows Route 66
specialty license plates for motorcycles. Funds raised will go toward
preserving the iconic roadway.
Meanwhile, Europe is on to bigger endeavors of planetary preservation
by means of cutting carbon emissions with their strictest legislation
yet: Euro 4 emissions standards. Some existing models have already been
dropped because making them comply with the tougher standards would be
either impractical or too expensive. Of course the Europeans have long
been the leaders in writing the book on safety laws. In recent years,
France had a law that required you to have two breathalyzers
with you (that fines for non-compliance were eventually dropped), and
there's still a law requiring you to wear a helmet with reflective
stickers on the front, rear and both sides.
At least no legislature in these United States required you to mummy-wrap your helmet in high-viz tape for 2017.
OFF THE WIRE The BOLT class action lawsuits are moving forward, slowly but with progress. Depositions have been ordered and once those are done I am hoping it will move a bit faster through the courts
Sonny Barger is 73. A laryngectomy following throat cancer means he now talks like Marlon Brando in the Godfather. Certainly, over the years, he has been accused, and sometimes convicted, of causing as much mayhem as the Mafia. His scorecard of arrests - 21 in all, from drunk driving, assaults with deadly weapons, kidnapping, drug-dealing and racketeering - is printed at the end of his new autobiography much in the way that a retired cricketer would run his bowling and batting averages.
In my meeting Sonny Barger for the first time, I told him that in my former life, I was part of an investigation that lead to one of his troubles. He smiled and said with a smile, “No worries, we all make mistakes.”
There are other biker gangs - the Bandits in Texas, the Outlaws in the southern states and the Pagans on the east coast. Although none have ever quite had the same death’s head aura, some still hit the headlines.
Sonny Barger is not a religious man. But ridingmotorcycles is “as good a religion as any and probably better than most,” says the Hells Angels icon. Meditative and transcendent, motorcycling focuses the mind, he says, and requires devotion.
At 73, Barger has spent six decades riding bikes and almost 55 years as a member of the world’s best-known motorcycle club. He spreads the gospel of two wheels where ever he goes.
Having logged more than a million miles and suffered only one serious accident, Barger can write books with authority - “Let’s Ride” is just the latest example of how he has used a marginalized form of transportation to elevate himself from troublemaker to an author who has sold hundreds of thousands of books.
“I’m making a better living today than I ever have,” says Barger, who was running a motorcycle shop when, a decade ago, he decided to trade on his checkered past in the bestselling memoir “Hell’s Angel.”
In the years since, he says, he’s paid half a million dollars in taxes “all off of books.” He complains that “the government will take my money, but I can’t vote or own a gun” because he was a felon.
While it may seem ironic for an ex-con to brag about paying The Man, it’s just the latest in a long list of dichotomies for Barger, who helped form the Oakland, Calif., chapter of the Hells Angels in 1957.
He is simply a legend, riding made-in-the-USA bikes and endorsing a live-and-let-live mentality that when violated can provoke an eye-for-an-eye sense of justice.
Barger’s heavily tattooed body is a testament to his storied life. There’s a dagger on his chest, a cross on his arm, a “death head” skull on his back and a right-shoulder inscription that reads “Hell’s Angels Oakland.”
While the tats have faded, the body is still fit, the result of 3 hour daily workouts and protein shakes that give him strength to keep doing what he likes to do best: ride.
Say what you will about the Angels, but one thing is not in dispute: their skill and devotion to motorcycling and each other.
That message was clear one day attending a prison run.
As I dragged myself out of bed near 10, Barger woke at 4:30, fed his animals and worked out. By 8 he was ready to roll.
After half a century riding Harley-Davidsons, Barger — an Army veteran who was raised during World War II and taught to buy American — now straddles a bike from a different U.S. manufacturer: a 2008 Victory Vision he purchased for $1 from legendary custom builder Arlen Ness.
He’s swapped out the Victory badges for Hells Angels medallions that glow when the ignition switch is flipped and otherwise modified the bike. Barger’s status as the baddest man on two wheels translates into a lot of free stuff, including the extra-thick blue jeans and sleeveless denim “cuts” he received for participating in a San Francisco clothing company’s photo shoot.
Despite his age, Barger still logs almost 25,000 miles annually — half as much as he used to ride but far more than many riders put on their bikes in a lifetime. His secret for keeping the shiny side up is luck. “No matter how good you are,” says Barger, “you can be sitting at a stoplight when a truck comes up behind you and runs you over. It’s all luck.”
Luck, though, has a lot to do with preparation, which is why Barger felt compelled to write a rider’s guide. “Everybody wants to be a motorcyclerider today, and they’re getting killed,” he says, noting that motorcycle fatalities increased for 11 straight years through 2011.
Barger promotes: not riding when angry, not riding while drunk or on drugs, not believing other drivers’ turn signals, not riding a difficult-to-see black motorcycle, not learning to ride from a friend. Some of this he’s learned the hard way, by doing it himself.
Barger taught himself to ride on a Cushman scooter he bought for $25 when he was 11. Only in the 1980s did he take a rider course from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. “I was the only guy that fell down,” Barger says. “It was funny because I had more ridingtime than the whole class put together.”
He is unapologetic about wearing a full-face helmet — safety gear shunned by many riders of cruiser-style motorcycles. Neither am I because of the metal plate in my head after being hit by a car while attending a multi-vehicle accident in Alberta. Barger wears one because he needs wind protection; 28 years ago, his vocal cords were removed after his three-pack-aday cigarette habit led to cancer of the larynx. His voice is a whisper, despite monthly trips to a Veterans Affairs hospital and semiweekly self-insertions of plastic tubing to widen his esophagus so he can eat.
What more can I say, the man even has a Sauce named after him: “Sonny Barger, famed for his historical relationships with motorcycling, has four new and exciting sauces hotter than a Harley Davidson’s manifold! Four delicious sauces to choose from: HELLFIRE BBQ Sauce, HELLFIRE Salsa, HELLFIRE Jalapeno Hot Sauce, & HELLFIRE Habanero Hot Sauce. TRY ALL FOUR! $7.95 a bottle.”
Leading the pack was Barger, who took the upper-left-hand position, often riding on the roadway’s center line, as if to say, “I own this.”
He was flanked by Cowboy to his right, and the rest of us followed two by two, down the dirt road in front of Barger’s house to the twisting, single-lane country highway that would lead us to a biscuits-and-gravy breakfast at the Two Wheels Diner.
The Angels ride the way they live. Moving at speeds that frequently exceed the posted limit, they travel tight —side by side, with little following distance between them. It’s an appropriate metaphor for the close-knit club that won’t let just anybody in.
They also refuse to follow, as I learned when Barger tired of riding behind a few slow-moving vehicles, led us over the double yellow line into a stream of oncoming traffic. It isn’t often I ride in groups, other than police escort units, so surprised with the Angels’ passing system - very affective. Being in the last row, I had to stare down the grill of a pickup before darting back into my lane. Each time we did this, I felt exhilarated...alive.
They, however, were fearless, which shouldn’t be a surprise.
They’re the Hells Angels.
And Sonny Barger is their spiritual leader. After all these years, he knows what he’s doing:
Tuesday, April 07,
2013New York: Judge Rules
Against Use Of X-Rays During Traffic Stops Federal judge says motorist
whose car was x-rayed after being pulled over for window tint can sue sheriff
A motorist cannot have his car taken to a border station
to be x-rayed based on a window tint violation, a federal judge ruled on Friday.
US District Judge Richard J. Arcara allowed a lawsuit to proceed against the
Niagara County, New York Sheriff's Department in the wake of an April 28, 2009
traffic stop where motorists who had done nothing wrong were detained by police
for more than three hours.
Thaddeus Rougier was traveling to Canada with
Beverly Henry in a 1995 Lexus carrying luggage and a ham. Deputy Ray Tracy
stopped the Lexus, which was legally registered in Tennessee, within a half mile
of the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge. New York state has a more restrictive 70
percent limit for window tinting, but Rougier's tint fell within Tennessee's 35
percent legal maximum.
Deputy C.S. Page began running a drug dog around
the Lexus, so Rougier got out of the car and began using a camera to document
what was going on. A deputy ripped the camera out of his hands. Deputies then
ordered the passenger, Beverly Henry, to get out of the vehicle. Because it was
cold, she asked for her jacket, which the officers searched before giving to
her. Rougier was handcuffed and tossed in the back of a patrol car. Their
luggage was removed from the trunk and searched on the side of the road, with
the dog sniffing every item of clothing. No contraband was found.
what your officer doing to us for nothing," Henry said.
Frustrated, the
deputies took the vehicle to the US-Canadian border station where an x-ray truck
was used to scan the vehicle looking for secret compartments. A second drug dog
sniff failed to turn up anything. Deputies gave Rougier and Henry's passports to
an immigration agent who found nothing out of the ordinary. The two were
eventually released, but not before being issued three traffic tickets -- all of
which a judge threw out a year later.
Rougier and Henry sued, arguing
they were stopped for driving while black. Henry was born in Jamaica and Rougier
in Grenada. Both have been naturalized US citizens for nearly twenty
"Defendant had a policy and practice of racially and ethnically
profiling drivers and passengers traveling on highways leading to and from
Canada and selectively enforcing their traffic laws," the pair alleged in their
lawsuit against Niagara County.
The pair also complained that every time
they cross the border now, they are subjected to a search because their
passports are flagged.
"Plaintiffs, who were humiliated, embarrassed and
ashamed, and burdened with much angst, anxiety and trepidation, gathered their
clothing off the pavement, which was stained and soiled with dog paws, drool and
dirt, retrieved the camera, cell phones and other items of personal property
from... deputy sheriffs on the scene," the lawsuit explained.
The couple
are suing for $4 million in compensation and punitive damages. Ordinarily, law
enforcement officers are immune from lawsuit while performing their duties. That
immunity disappears if they are found to have violated constitutional rights.
Here, Judge Arcara decided it worth examining that question in greater detail.
"Given that material issues of fact exist as to whether the continued
detention of plaintiffs was constitutionally permissible, a reasonable
fact-finder could find that it was objectively unreasonable for the officers to
conclude that removal of plaintiffs to a border facility, a further search and
x-ray of their car without their consent, and their continued detention for an
unspecified amount of time, did not violate plaintiffs' constitutional rights,"
Judge Arcara ruled.
Judge Arcara ordered Magistrate Judge Hugh B. Scott
to continue with proceedings on the lawsuit.
A copy of the decision is
available in an 80k PDF file at the source link below.
As we previously reported, last week, the California Department of Justice officially submitted regulations regarding newly classified “Bullet Button Assault Weapons” to the Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) for final publication in the California Code of Regulations (CCR). The regulations were submitted to OAL as “File and Print” only, meaning DOJ is claiming that the regulations are expressly exempted by statute from public comment or OAL review. The regular rulemaking process in California requires State agencies to provide at least 45 days for public comment on any regulation. But if OAL accepts DOJ’s position that all of their “assault weapon” regulations are exempt from this ordinary adoption process, the regulations will then be published in the CCR without any opportunity for public comment.
DOJ claims an exemption as a result of specific language in the recently enacted “assault weapon” law regarding the registration process. As enacted, the law requires DOJ to create regulations providing gun owners with the information necessary on how to properly register their bullet-button firearms with DOJ as an “assault weapon.” The law exempts such registration related regulations from the typical rulemaking process, but significantly, only to the extent necessary for the actual registration process.
Contrary to the limits of the OAL exemption contained in the statute itself, the regulations submitted by DOJ to OAL go far beyond what is necessary for the registration process. The regulations actually read like a wish list from the gun ban lobby that DOJ is attempting to shoehorn into the limited exception to the regulatory adoption process actually contained in the law. Included in the regulations DOJ submitted are over 40 new definitions, excessive personal information requirements for registering a firearm, requirements that individuals provide information on where they acquired their firearms, requirements that individuals provide DOJ with photos of their firearms, requirements for serializing firearms built from 80% receivers, expansion of the “assault weapon” definition to bullet-button equipped shotguns, and restrictions on removing the “bullet-button” once the firearm is registered as an “assault weapon.”
In response, today NRA and CRPA’s legal team submitted a joint-letter to DOJ demanding that DOJ withdraw their regulations as a violation of the authority granted under the law. CRPA and NRA’s legal team also submitted a joint-letter to OAL requesting OAL to reject and not officially publish DOJ’s regulations. In the event that DOJ does not adhere to this demand letter, a lawsuit will be filed promptly.
CRPA and NRA will also be hosting a live webinar for all California gun owners on Tuesday, January 10 at 12:00 p.m. discussing DOJ’s “Bullet Button Assault Weapon” regulations.
CRPA and NRA will also be hosting a live webinar for all California gun owners on Tuesday, January 10 at 12:00 p.m. discussing DOJ’s “Bullet Button Assault Weapon” regulations.
Unfortunately, the webinar is currently full. A recording will be made available on CRPA’s website for later viewing at
Make sure you stay up to date on DOJ’s regulations and other important firearm related issues by subscribing to CRPA email alerts.
Make sure you stay up to date on DOJ’s regulations and other important firearm related issues by subscribing to CRPA email alerts.
Thank you for standing with CRPA as we work to preserve the Second Amendment in California.
Harley-Davidson remains the most potent
symbol of the America that had muscle cars, choppers and miniskirts;
before multiculturalism, LGBTQ and fatal love diseases; before stupid
wars; before soldiers started calling themselves war fighters; before
cops thought they were commandos; when it was still a misdemeanor to
punch a cop and the cops were more likely to punch you back and put you
in a cell for the night than charge you. That America. You know the one
everybody agreed was the greatest of all the English speaking nations:
The America Donald Trump promises to resurrect.
Trump got elected because he was selling
us somewhere back in our long ago. So the only surprise when at least
five Harleys wound up parked on the South Lawn of the White House
yesterday was that event took as long to occur as it did. Allegedly,
Harley executives rode the bikes onto the White House grounds.
It was a feel good press event. Trump praised the Motor Company as, “a true American icon, one of the greats.”
“Your motorcycles have carried American service members in the war,” Trump said, “and they take care of our police officers.”
“You’ve given me tremendous support, your workers in particular.”
Devilish Details
The devil was in the specifics which are less easily captured by a staged photo opportunity than by mere words.
Like, for example, the meeting between
Harley executives and union leaders was originally scheduled to be held
at the company’s Powertrain Operations plant in Menomonee Falls,
Wisconsin. Numerous local and national outlets including the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune
reported that the visit was cancelled because a group called the
Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump promised a protest outside the plant.
Trump press secretary Sean Spicer said, “Look, it was easier for the
executives to come here, considering the week and all of the activity
that’s been going on.”
Most of the recent demonstrations are
protests of the new President’s restrictions on immigration to the
United States from the Third World. And that could have been potentially
embarrassing for Harley at Menomonee Falls. When the motorcycle symbol
of a preeminent America opened the plant, they layed off 125 American
computer programmers and subcontracted their work to an Indian technical
staffing company named Infosys. Layed off American workers who applied
for jobs at the new Wisconsin office of Infosys claimed that South Asian
workers were getting preferential treatment. The South Asians were
imported to the United States with the aid of a something called an H1B
visa. The visas allow American companies to employ foreign workers in
specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in
specialized fields – like computer programming.
During his campaign, Trump opposed the use of H1B visas, calling them a “cheap labor program.”
It has also been kind of a rough sales
week for Harley. On Tuesday the company announced that sales were down
again last year (to 262,221 bikes from 266,382 in 2015 and 270,726 in
2014. The same day Harley announced its dealers were still selling 2016
But it would be great if Harley was
successful. It would be great if it could symbolize what Trump says he
is trying to accomplish. It looked successful yesterday on the White
House lawn. It looked a model component in the rebuilding of America. It
would also be great of that was true.
WE ARE HAVING A MEETING THIS SUNDAY! Our luck hasn’t been too good so far this year for dates for our meeting. Our meeting in January fell on New Year’s Day, and obviously having a meeting would have been silly at best. This month it’s on Superbowl Sunday, BUT we are going to have the meeting. Kickoff is not until 3ish so there is plenty of time to meet us at noon, chat about 2017 and what’s happening, and then go watch the game at your favorite place.
For the meeting, here’s our standard subjects that will be covered this month:
General Business
Treasury Report
Legislative and Judicial Updates
Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
Safety Report
Runs and Events
Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative
Old Business
New Business
We hope that you all voted and that also had a great Thanksgiving.
RUNS AND EVENTS. Be sure to check the Bailing Wire for ABATE events. Here’s a couple to put on your calendar:
ABATE Local 11 Meeting – February 12 – Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721 Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido – 11 a.m. They have seats and you can come early and have breakfast, too.
Saddletramps MC Polar Bear Run– February 18 – El Cajon Harley sign in 9 a.m.
As usual, the Final Option has a breakfast at Sweetwater Harley just before our meeting this month. Howie invites everyone down to have breakfast first and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting.
Reminder: Joe Tatro, our fantastic webmaster, created and maintains our media … check them out. Also, if you have any questions, suggestions, etc., let us know. Here’s the links:
If you have any subjects or topics you’d like discussed, please email me at and let me know what you’d like covered. We’ll do our best.
Another important reminder…please remember to let us know if you change membership information--address, telephone, email, etc. Send the updates also to
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"Now is the right time to bet big on marijuana...
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Dear Reader,
Today, I’m going to show you how to use America’s budding Marijuana market to potentially amass a quick fortune…
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And what makes penny stocks different from other “brand-name” stocks is that they’re little-known and cheap.
Extremely cheap!
And right now, in the marijuana industry, there are literally dozens and dozens of cheap, penny stocks.
Like Cannabis Science Inc, (CBIS) which trades for 6 cents per share…
Medical Marijuana Inc, (MJNA) which trades for 16 cents per share…
Hemp Inc. (HEMP), which you can buy right now for just 4 cents per share…
And many, many others
I could go on and on and on...
But here’s what you need to know right now…
*** These pot stocks won’t stay cheap for long.
See, because these penny pot stocks can go for as little as a few cents to a few dollars...
That means even first time investors can afford to do this.
The best part?
Penny pot stocks have a proven history of handing out truly explosive gains.
In fact, more often than not, they’re the most profitable stocks on Wall Street.
It’s easy to understand why, when you think about it.
With a big “blue chip” stock, it can take years… even decades for a $50 share to double… and turn into $100.
But with a penny stock, a 25-cent share can become a 50-cent share… or even a $2 share overnight.
In fact, it happens all the time.
Just look at this snapshot I took from today’s biggest percentage gains in the markets:
As you can see, there were eight different penny stocks that rocketed up over 1,000% in just the past 24 hours.
Eight different chances to change your life…
Eight different chances to grow rich...
In just a single day!
Now compare that to the biggest gainers from much bigger stocks.
The biggest gains for the larger, “blue chip” companies was 34.79%.
The biggest percentage gain from penny stocks was an incredible 19,900%.
It’s not even close.
And that was just from today’s data.
It’s the same scenario day after day.
Here’s the bottom line:
*** Penny stocks are the last legal way for the little guy to grow rich… starting with just a few dollars in your pocket.
Now, as good as that is…
There IS one problem…
It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact moment to invest in penny stocks.
But that’s what makes today’s situation with the marijuana markets so exciting!
It’s all happening right now!
A record-breaking eight States just passed new marijuana legalization.
States like Arkansas, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada and of course
California – the most populated state in the country – just changed the
future of legalized marijuana.
I can tell you with 100% conviction that It’s just a matter of time before these laws are spread on the Federal level.
Already, these penny pot stocks have started an incredible run.
Some have doubled and even tripled in price.
If history is any guide, this is just the beginning.
How can I be so sure?
Well, just look at what happened back in 2014…
When an almost identical situation took place.
Dozens and dozens of marijuana penny stocks simply exploded like gangbusters after Colorado passed similar legislation.
9,108% Gains in Just Three Months
with a Tiny Marijuana Penny Stock
Now, you’ve probably never heard of a company called Abattis Bioceuticals Corp…
Back before January 1, 2014, practically no one had.
They were an obscure marijuana biotech stock - trading for just 2.5 cents per share…
But immediately following full legalization in Colorado, share prices took off.
*** Within the first week, prices more than doubled…
*** Within the first month… they were up over 379%.
*** Within two months — by the end of February — share prices had surged 1,358%.
*** And by the tail end of March — not even a full 3 months later — share prices got higher than Cheech and Chong at Woodstock...
And… topped at a massive gain of 9,108%.
By comparison, it took Apple (one of the greatest stock success
stories of the 21st Century) over 15 YEARS to produce those kinds of
But Abattis Bioceuticals was able to do it in less than three months…
That’s the power of penny stocks.
And here’s the thing…
This didn’t happen just once or twice… or even three times…
There were literally dozens more opportunities just like Abattis Bioceuticals…
Take Fusion Pharm, Inc., for example…
Again, this company was completely off most people’s radar… they were
trading for just over 38 cents per share on January 1st, 2014.
But immediately following Colorado’s historic shift in marijuana legalization, share prices exploded.
Within one month, the stock hit a gain of 1,678%.
But it wasn’t done…
By March 11th, just over two months later, it hit a total gain of 2,268%.
Or take a company called Novus Acquisition and Development Corp…
their stock price exploded for a 3,540% gain from early January through
late March…
There were dozens…
LXRP jumped 1,120%
EAPH jumped 4,631%
ERBB jumped 3,327%
CBGI jumped 5,100%
So let me put that into perspective for you…
Just a single $1 bill invested in CBGI before its move…
Turned into $51.
Not bad, right?
But a $5 bill would have turned into $255…
A $50 bill into $2,550…
And $500 would have turned into more than $25,000.
That’s just with one penny pot play!
A single move would have made you rich.
Again, these rare lightning-fast gains were incredible.
Can I promise that you’re going to book these whopping gains in as
little time? Of course not, no one can promise anything in the
investment world.
But the point remains:
Penny stocks are the best ways to get rich in the stock market…
And now that eight more states are on board, the publicly traded “penny pot stocks” should skyrocket in price.
To make the most money possible, you need to get in BEFORE January 1st…
So how much money can you make by investing just $50 in these penny pot stocks?
And why isn’t everyone else doing this?
Allow me to show you…
Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?
If penny stocks are so great, you’d expect everyone to harness their amazing profit building potential and get rich.
Especially for the chance to turn $50 into more than $2.7 million
(I’ll show you undeniable proof that you could make this much in just a
But that’s not the case at all!
You see, penny stocks are so small, the “big boys” on Wall Street can’t trade them.
This is because big investment firms can buy up millions of shares at a time…
But if the company they buy into is a penny stock, then share prices fly through the roof with a big order.
This immediately cuts into their potential profits, so a penny stock
just isn’t a sensible way to play the market, when you’re a “big boy.”
However, they’re great for the little guy and first time investors.
But because the “big boys” ignore them, the mainstream media typically does too.
This is why most people don’t know much about penny stocks…
But just because penny stocks aren’t mentioned on the news doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them.
The truth is, its better this way…
Like I said, they’re PROVEN to have outperformed the bigger stocks…
So let’s keep this secret to ourselves.
Now, back to the question of, “How much money can I make investing just $50 with these marijuana penny stocks?”
Well, breathe deep… inhale… pay close attention… and I’ll show you…
Real Life Example:
"Secret $50 Marijuana Stock Blueprint”
Generates $2.7 MILLION
Let me show you just how explosive the upcoming opportunity in
marijuana investing can be when you follow the “Secret $50 Weed Stock
Step by step, I’ll show you how $50 could have turned into more than $2.7 million.
Yes, this strategy is risky and requires a bit of luck.
I would never recommend it to my readers…
This is simply an “accelerated” example of how potent these marijuana penny stocks really can be.
That said…
These penny stock share price explosions actually happened (and have already begun happening again today).
So although it’s highly improbable you’d be this lucky, it’s NOT impossible. That’s important to remember.
All right, here we go…
Weed Stock Blueprint Step #1 $50 Turns Into $1,316 in 10 Months
CV Sciences Inc. (CVSI) is a marijuana therapeutic company based out of Nevada.
If you haven’t heard of them before, then you’re not alone.
Remember, the best profit opportunities (especially in penny
marijuana stocks) are rarely featured on TV or covered by the financial
At the start of marijuana’s last big run, shares traded for a tiny $1.50.
That’s cheap enough for anyone to buy...
And cheap enough for you to load up on dozens of shares with just $50.
But then it got really exciting…
Word of Colorado’s new legislation to legalize pot began to spread, and shares rocketed!
By the middle of October 2013, a buying frenzy pushed shares of CV Sciences up to $41.
That’s an incredible gain of 2,633% (in just over six months)!
If you bought shares at the very start and held on…
You could have quickly turned a $50 grubstake in CV Sciences into $1,316.
The best part?
Well, truth is there were many other companies like CV Sciences I could have chosen as an example.
That’s a nice start…
But it’s chump change compared to what’s next.
Before we move on, though, let’s suppose you put your original $50 back into your savings account.
Now you have 0% risk.
As in Z-E-R-O risk.
You’re using nothing but “house money,” as we say in the investing world.
So you’re going to roll that $1,266 of pure profit into the next step.
At this point, you really can’t lose!
Weed Stock Blueprint Step #2 Collect $39,879 After 3,150% Mega Gain!
This is an excellent example of how powerful penny marijuana stocks can be when the timing is perfect (like what we can expect to start playing out by January) …
You could have bought Easton Pharmaceuticals Inc. (EAPH) for less than a penny per share at the start of January 2014…
By February 7 — just over a month later — share prices had risen to 6.5 cents.
Now, Easton Pharmaceuticals didn’t develop a new drug...
There was NO news of a “buyout” from a larger drug manufacturer.
Just one simple thing pushed those shares higher…
*** Marijuana legalization had become front-page news. (Again, this is EXACTLY what we are seeing right now!)
This penny marijuana stock shot higher by an incredible 3,150%.
And had you invested your $1,266 profit from Step #1, the resulting
mega-gain would have put a staggering $39,879 right in your pocket!
Not bad for a handful of “mouse clicks” and a few weeks of “work.”
Compare that with a big stock like Apple.
When they launched the revolutionary iPhone, shares jumped a whopping $21.
That’s impressive… for a huge company.
BUT, before the jump…
Apple shares were already changing hands at $122.
So the biggest breakthrough in cellphone technology — heck, it was
the biggest breakthrough in ANY technology — and you would have only
bagged a measly 17% gain.
Now look at the marijuana stock Easton Pharmaceuticals again… it jumped a mouthwatering 3,150%...
In just over a month!
Now can you see the power of penny stocks?
And when you have the perfect investment scenario — like with these
marijuana penny stocks — you’d be hard pressed to find an easier way to
get rich quickly.
To summarize…
Your $50 turned into $1,266 in pure profits with Step #1…
And then that $1,266 turned into $39,879 with Step #2...
But we’re still not done.
I promised to show you how to turn $50 into $2.7 million.
And that takes one final step...
Marijuana Stock Blueprint Step #3 More than $2.7 Million in Just Over One Month!
It’s hard to imagine that you could have become a multimillionaire simply by making just three moves...
But if you had rolled your profits from Step #1 and Step #2 into a
marijuana company called CannaBusiness Group Inc. (CBGI), that’s exactly
what would have happened.
CannaBusiness Group’s primary focus is on zoning issues regarding marijuana growing operations.
And in early 2014, business was good.
In fact, from February 7 to March 14… just over one month's time… share prices soared for a massive gain of 6,833%.
In other words, you’d be a multimillionaire.
Incredible, right?
Just three simple moves…
So easy a fifth grader could have made them...
And all in all…
You’d have just turned a tiny $50 grubstake into more than $2.7 million in around two years’ time.
Remember, this explosion in marijuana penny stocks actually happened...
That’s the truth…
Go ahead, look it up for yourself when you’re done reading this message today!
Listen, the bottom line is this…
Although it’s improbable you’d ever ride a profit wave just like this, it’s NOT impossible.
That’s why I’ve given you this example, because I want you to see for yourself the amazing potential of marijuana penny stocks.
Now the clock’s ticking…
The next wave of marijuana wealth is taking place right now!
And remember…
The above examples are marijuana stocks that skyrocketed when Colorado legalized marijuana…
That was just one state.
*** This time around, four more states have approved fully legalized recreational pot laws
The entire west coast has become a recreational pot mecca… and it’s spreading to the east coast.
Not only that, but Arkansas just became the first “bible belt” state with legalized medical marijuana.
This is huge…
You’ve already seen the proof of what happened to these small penny pot plays after Colorado legalized weed…
So imagine…
What happens when those gains are multiplied eight times over!
Even more exciting is that California is now on board— representing 1/6th of the entire American population.
The amount of money you could make…
The profits…
Are simply staggering.
Need more proof?
As research firm ALG Financial put it, “The second revolution in
the cannabis market is here... there is hardly anyone on Wall Street who
doesn’t see the huge potential windfalls that are on their way.”
ArcView — a data and analytical research firm — is touting that we’re about to witness the true birth of “the next great American industry .”
John Ingold at The Denver Post reported that one business mogul in the markets believes the marijuana industry could “mint multiple billionaires…”
And Forbes contributor Mark Fidelman adds that it “will make investors extremely wealthy .”
“An Economic BOOM That Has
Never Been Seen Before”
—TV Host, A. Zendehnam
Look, this could be your best chance at pot profits...
Think about what you could do with $2.7 million.
You could look after your family and friends, pay off your mortgage and put your kids through college.
Or perhaps you’re looking to do something a bit more extravagant…
Like drink Dom Perignon, eat caviar, drive exotic cars and mingle with high society on million-dollar yachts.
The point is we are about to witness the birth of a brand-new industry in this country.
An industry that has already proven to be incredibly successful and incredibly lucrative.
This is your chance to get in on the action.
And by utilizing the “$50 Weed Stock Blueprint,” you could become incredibly wealthy in less than two years’ time.
But remember, you need to take action before January 1st… while these stocks still trade for pennies.
So let me tell you who I am and how I can help you kick-start your new multimillion-dollar lifestyle…
A $100 Billion Industry… Dominated by
True Penny Stocks!
My name is Ray Blanco…
I’m the chief technology officer for Agora Financial.
We’re one of the largest fully independent market research organizations in the world today.
More people read our information each week, for example, than receive newspapers like The Washington Post or the Los Angeles Times.
What I do is simple…
I research the best new scientific ideas you can invest in… looking
for incredible market catalysts that have the power to reward early
investors with triple- and quadruple-digit gains.
And every month, I publish these incredible opportunities for my private readers through my investing research advisory called Technology Profits Confidential… Technology Profits Confidential is the only place in the entire world where I recommend tiny stocks that my research indicates could soar 500–1,000% or higher.
Granted, not all of my picks are guaranteed to go this high. My
readers have still had the chance to see many impressive triple-digit
And I can tell you — with 100% conviction — that the opportunity for
early investors in the legalized marijuana markets is truly
We’re talking about an entire industry dominated by small companies.
…dozens and dozens of TRUE penny pot stocks.
Now, I’ll be the first to concede that most penny stocks are garbage.
But if you’re avoiding ALL penny stocks, well…
You’re costing yourself tens of thousands... even millions of dollars!
Penny stocks are infinitely important to the global economic engine.
The world needs these small companies.
See, small companies are the foremost breeding ground for innovation.
Heck, some of the biggest companies on Earth originated as tiny penny stocks.
Microsoft. Apple. Budweiser. Cisco.
All once penny stocks…
And now they now add hundreds of billions of dollars to our economy.
They provide jobs to over a million people.
And believe me, tomorrow’s leaders in the weed industry are companies that you can purchase today for just pocket change.
I’ve been carefully watching the marijuana industry develop…
I’ve been waiting for the exact right time to get in.
And that time is NOW!
I’ve already done my research…
And I’ve already identified a number of penny pot stocks that have
the capabilities of producing life-changing gains in the months ahead.
I’ll give you my exclusive list in just a second…
But first, let me show you the stringent appraisal system I’ve
developed over the years for accurately predicting which penny stocks
will be winners…
And which penny stocks you should avoid like a dime bag of Mexican oregano...
Only the Very Best Stocks
Get Past my Filtering System
My appraisal system is modeled after the world-class auction house Sotheby’s.
Companies are treated exactly like they're precious artifacts up for auction.
It’s the only means to truly keep your portfolio safe.
Every product launch is tracked for widespread consumer appeal.
Every dollar of revenue is cross-referenced for authenticity.
I treat every company no differently than, say... Leonardo da Vinci's
Codex Hammer, which Bill Gates recently bought for $30.8 million.
Or a 300-year-old Stradivarius violin, which sold for $3.9 million.
Can you imagine sending these priceless assets to auction without verifying their authenticity?
So why should your investments be treated differently?
To date, however, of the more than 4,000 stocks out there…
Only a few dozen companies have met all five criteria points.
Said a different way, only about one in every 166 stocks that pass
through my filtering system will be safe enough to recommend to my
Which speaks to the rigors of my appraisal process.
Here, I don’t mind sharing my five-point appraisal checklist with you.
I’ll even include a few details about the first five criteria…
REQUIREMENT #1: Must Be Innovative.
It’s not enough for companies to solely rely on superior products that compete in existing markets.
They must offer a unique form of innovation… with a true visionary at the helm (like Steve Jobs or Lee Iacocca).
And force the rest of the industry to play “catch-up.”
REQUIREMENT #2: Must Defy the Industry Norm.
Companies concerned with conventional wisdom or the standard ways of conducting business need not apply.
And if they’re worried about competition?
They need not apply, either.
Only genuine innovators will pass and ultimately trigger a recommendation on my end.
Such companies reject the status quo — almost defiantly — in every instance.
This helps them passionately forge new ideas, innovations and business parameters in which to flourish.
REQUIREMENT #3: Must Offer a BETTER Product… at a CHEAPER Price.
The companies I recommend exclusively to Technology Profits Confidential readers almost always demonstrate an innate ability to deliver a better product than their competitors… and sell that product for much less money.
This is exactly how companies like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Uber and Intel dominated their respective industries.
Would you like a bag of the finest marijuana... for half the price? Would you like a brand-new smartphone… for half the price?
Of course you would… so would I and everyone else in the entire
marketplace. This is a principle called Moore’s law, and if a company
plans to dominate their niche of the markets, this is an absolute
If a company can’t offer a top-quality product, at the lowest price possible, I can’t make a buy recommendation in good faith.
Most companies fail miserably here.
REQUIREMENT #4: Must Have Strong Financial Backing.
The amount of money a company was able to attract from private
investors, pre-IPO, is infinitely important. The more money, the better.
Tons of financial backing from private investors is a surefire signal that the company is doing something extraordinary.
Think about it. Would venture capitalists put their faith (and capital) behind a mediocre idea? Never.
REQUIREMENT #5: Must Have an Urgent Catalyst.
A coming event or announcement can send a tiny stock through the roof.
Especially ones trading for pennies a share.
Imagine owning a tiny pharmaceutical ahead of FDA drug approval.
Or a little software company before a major takeover.
Overnight gains on such news can far exceed a simple price double.
And that’s why the opportunity in the marijuana industry is so compelling...
The ultimate catalyst is brewing right now…
And could be triggered by January 1st… when the first round of these new marijuana laws are set to take effect.
Remember this — to make the most money possible, it’s crucial to
invest NOW… before these states start implementing these new laws.
Already, in just the past few months, more than two dozen marijuana
penny stocks have seen their share prices surge by up to 20%, 50% even
Stocks like:
And many, many more…
But make no mistake, this is just the beginning.
Every stock I’ve just mentioned still trades for PENNIES A SHARE.
If you take action right now, you can easily turn a tiny grubstake of $50 into an absolute windfall fortune.
Remember, it’s happened before.
Why not have it happen to you?
Now here’s the thing…
DO NOT Rush to Buy Every
Penny Pot Play Out There…
Sure, you could go and buy every single company I just listed…
And you’d probably do better than the overall market.
But when it comes to growing rich in the markets, specific stock selection is KEY!
So here’s the deal…
I told you before that there are over 4,000 companies that trade on the stock market…
Exactly 350 of them are pot plays…
And I’ve run every single one of those 350 companies through my five-part filtering system…
And based on my stringent five-part assessment of the companies in
the marijuana industry, I’ve pinpointed exactly four penny pot stocks…
That can eventually make you a millionaire.
Said a different way…
I’ve boiled down 4,000 plays…
Into 350 plays…
Then down to just four plays that are the very, very best ones that could make you money.
In other words, I’ve done all the research…
I’ve done all the grunt work…
And I’ve created a list of the top marijuana stocks you need to own right now.
I’ll show you how to buy them…
When to buy them…
And what price to pay for them.
Everything has been made as easy as possible for you to maximize the profit potential.
And because these stocks are so small and unpredictable, I’ll often
recommend a buy-up-to price, so my readers know not to chase these
And let me tell you, the profits from this situation will be “off the hinges.”
To my knowledge, there’s no list of companies like this anywhere in the world.
You can’t buy a copy of this list, even if you tried to.
I’ve made the entire list available for immediate download, absolutely free of charge.
And I’ve gone one step further...
I’ve detailed each stock recommendation in a special report I’m calling Four Incredible Marijuana Stocks… for a Six-Figure Payday.
When you download your copy, I want you to immediately flip open to Page 2, where you’ll find…
My complete breakdown of a penny pot company that is currently working on a multibillion-dollar medical breakthrough…
Now, I’m sure you’ve heard of pain drugs like OxyContin, hydrocodone and Percocet.
Chances are good you’ve even been prescribed these drugs by your doctor following a major (and even minor) surgery.
In 2012 alone, 259 million prescriptions for painkillers were filled.
That is more than enough for every adult in the United States to take
them for at least a month.
And those numbers have built incredible wealth for the companies manufacturing these drugs.
The Sackler family, which owned and controlled Purdue Pharma, became
one of the richest families in America after introducing OxyContin in
Net sales of OxyContin alone average around $3.1 billion per year.
And Endo Pharmaceuticals — the company that makes the painkiller
Percocet — generate profits of about $122 million per year.
In other words, these types of drugs can be VERY profitable.
Of course, today’s painkillers are derived from drugs like opium… and morphine.
Which make them very dangerous, too.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the United States is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic.
The truth is opioids killed more than 28,000 people in 2014, more than any year on record.
You see, serious pain drugs are a horrible trade-off — a deal with the devil, if you will.
You take the drug and your unbearable pain goes away… but you may end
up addicted (just ask Rush Limbaugh or Brett Favre), homeless or even
dead from an overdose. And that’s exactly why this tiny, publicly traded marijuana biotech firm is so exciting.
You see, they’ve already developed the “next generation” painkiller medication.
I’m talking about a medication that could be just as effective as
opioid-based pain drugs… but without all of the nasty side effects.
A pain medication that you aren’t likely to become addicted to… and a pain medication that is much, much safer.
Not only that… but this next-generation painkiller has already cleared Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing with the FDA.
And as you can imagine, in the case of prescription medicines, it’s
the first company to market that will hit the largest jackpot.
As I’ve shown you, this is a market that’s worth billions and
billions of dollars… and this microcap company could easily dominate the
entire market.
And it gets even better…
Because this same company has three other drugs in the pipeline… which are being tested as we speak.
You see, what this company has discovered — through new research — is
something called the endogenous system… which is directly linked to a
number of physiological processes including pain and inflammation. And a
special chemical found in marijuana can regulate the effects of acute
and chronic pain.
In fact, according to Roger Pertwee, a pharmacologist at the
University of Aberdeen in Scotland, we’re talking about “a potential
wonder drug.”
I fully expect shares of this penny pot company to start to skyrocket
by 500% or more following the as marijuana moves into the mainstream.
And I’ll tell you everything you need to know in my comprehensive report.
But there’s more… much, much more.
You’ll also find:
The complete details of a company that was recently voted one of the fastest-growing companies in America…
They’re based in California, and they’ve quickly become America's
premier supplier of packaging, accessories and branding solutions for
the legal cannabis industry.
In just the past two months, share prices have climbed over 212%...
but now that California has voted in favor of legalized recreational
marijuana… this is just the beginning.
This company is still in the infancy stage of growth. I wouldn’t be shocked to see share prices surge by 500% or more beginning January 1st.
There is another tiny, marijuana biotech firm that recently crossed my radar…
Because of the small size of this company… and the unique angle
they’ve taken with medical marijuana, I can’t go into much detail right
However, I can tell you that they were just awarded a medical
marijuana sublicense to a patent from the U.S. government… and they have
20 more marijuana patents currently under review.
This small firm — that currently trades for around $1 per share — could easily become a global leader in marijuana biotech.
And I’m not the only one who thinks so…
Some of the largest investment groups on Wall Street are buying huge swaths of shares.
Because of their unique medical marijuana patent, shares of this tiny biotech firm could jump 1,022% in as little as three months.
And you’ll get a firsthand look in my newest report…
You’ll also discover the details of a penny pot company that specializes in “indoor marijuana growing.”
You see, as any marijuana aficionado will tell you, growing marijuana
indoors offers a number of key benefits. It allows you to closely
regulate light, temperature and humidity. It also offers an element of
privacy and protection.
As marijuana becomes legalized across the country, the market for
indoor growing accessories will explode… and this penny pot company is
the industry leader.
This company is the smallest of the four penny pot stocks I’m profiling in my newest report.
In fact, they’re one of the smallest stocks I’ve ever recommended, PERIOD!
This is truly a ground-floor opportunity… the kind that can turn pocket change into an incredible fortune.
All the details…
The company names…
The ticker symbols…
How to buy… when to buy… and what price to pay…
Everything you need to potentially make a fortune in the budding marijuana industry is included in your free report, Four Incredible Marijuana Stocks… for a Six-Figure Payday.
Just sign up for a risk-free subscription to Technology Profits Confidential, and you’ll have instant access… for FREE.
Get Free Access to my Very Best Research
As I’ve shown you, the information you’ll receive through Technology Profits Confidential really could help kick-start your own “$50 Weed Stock Blueprint.”
But please, don’t mistake what I’m saying here…
I DON’T just focus on pot stocks…
Instead, I focus on all the tiny stocks that have the ability to make you a millionaire…
All you have to do is catch the wave of wealth before it begins.
My flagship publication ingeniously bridges the (mis)information gap between Main Street and Wall Street.
By subscribing today, you’ll join a small and exclusive group of folks that get instant access to my very best work…
Not only that, but I’ve prepared a special “welcome package” that
could help you make enough money in penny stocks to shave 20 years off
your retirement date.
So not only will you get my latest report, Four Incredible Marijuana Stocks… for a Six-Figure Payday…
But you’ll also get my entire Technology Profits Confidential Wealth-Building System…
For free.