Thursday, December 15, 2016

Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Today at the U.S. Department of Transportation's - Road to Zero on traffic fatalities:
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates THEY WILL BE MORE DELIBERATE THAN EVER IN INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS TRAFFIC DEATHS....see the list in the pic.
Community Guide? More like strict restrictions, backed up by threats of illegal taxes, called fines, court appearances - more fines, possible jail time...and even abuse by the hands of law enforcement if you look at them wrong...
Image may contain: 1 person
Is probably a matter of time before they will add rider conspicuity (reflective gear), and guidelines on the levels of marijuana consumed..among other things. Hell, why not completely remove any form of distraction...talking, listening to music, rubbing your eye, looking at your gps, eating/drinking etc. It is only going to get worse.