Thursday, March 2, 2017

From the International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association

From the International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association (IOMGIA) website.....
"Organized criminal groups including outlaw motorcycle gangs continue to grow and remain unchallenged in many areas of the world. Gangs of all types have often engaged in charitable and positive outreach events to mask the gang’s violent criminal activities with a veneer of respectability. IOMGIA training provides the information to counter these gangs’ attempts to fool the public. Members of IOMGIA are committed to working together to stop the growth of outlaw motorcycle gangs across the world. We are committed to helping you obtain a clear understanding of the crimes being committed by outlaw motorcycle gang members and the negative consequences associated with the growth of gangs."
Would be interesting to see this training that counters Motorcycle Club attempts to fool the public when engaged in charitable and positive community outreach.
From their 2017 Training Flier...
IOMGIA will not allow attendance or membership to
persons deemed to be involved in conduct off-duty that
is unbecoming or contrary to the stated goals of the
This includes membership in motorcycle clubs
that mimic the structure and/or nature of outlaw
motorcycle gangs to include:
• Wearing three-piece patches
• Requiring probationary period for membership.
• Mandatory Rides
So...does that mean that Law Enforcement Clubs like Iron Order are prohibited? And does this also mean that LE clubs that mimic Outlaw Clubs are themselves....Gangs??