Tuesday, September 20, 2016

California Gun Control VetoGunmageddon Update!

California gun owners, patriots and friends....we are still behind the eightball here. With just 5 days to go, we still need a ton more 'valid' signatures on these petitions. Remember that you have to be a registered voter and can only sign petitions in and for your county of residence. Call or text your family and friends to take the few minutes to make a difference for us all. This is an opportunity to show state government that people can unite and overturn bad laws that don't represent the will of "...the people". There is incredible power in this. We don't have to live with even more regulation being shoved down our throats. Exercise your power....now...before the deadline...please!
Find the closest petition station to you at this link...
We need people to get out and sign the VetoGunmageddon Petitions soon. We have less than a week left to change things before our rights are a loss. https://www.vetogunmageddon.org/