Thursday, September 1, 2016

CA - Lane Splitting on a Motorcycle is Legal in California, But is it Safe?

A short, decent video on Lane Splitting released just before Governor Brown signed AB51, making it law in January, 2017
However, the video mentions that the CHP guidelines are "Enforceable" which is NOT the case. This seems to be a common misconception.
Again folks, guidelines are only recommendations to give riders the best chance for staying safe during the operation. If they were enforceable, they would be added and explicitly stated with associated penalties in the CA Vehicle Code. Then...there would be no need for guidelines at all. They would simply be like all other enforceable laws.
Think about it, law enforcement (specifically the CHP) can NOT make law which is why a complaint was filed back in July of 2014 and the CA Office of Administrative Affairs forced the CHP to remove them.
Presently, some people believe this new bill gives the CHP the authority to make law. removes the perception that the CHP makes laws and gives them the ability (not to be confused with authority) to make guidelines/recommendations. But... the bill does trigger benefits that fall outside of the bill which allows the CHP to 'once again' use state and federal money to develop, create and promote educational awareness programs for cagers and new riders...ex. PSA commercials, brochures...and now...CMSP Training etc. which is a good thing.
Having said this, all existing laws regulating speed, safe lane changes and driving behavior ALWAYS apply.
Happy Lane Splitting.........