Thursday, May 12, 2016

Memorial Day weekend is just over 2 weeks away.

 You are no doubt making plans, working out details, coordinating with friends / family and stocking up on party supplies.
While you're at it, why not work this into your schedule too... Go to a cemetery. A National Cemetary will make your search easier, but it's not necessary.
Find a Veteran's headstone. Check out his or her branch of service. Look at when they were born and when they passed from this life. Take a minute to thank them for making your 3 day weekend, road trip, party, BBQ or whatever possible.
Memorial Day is after all, about them.
Tip: The next time you think you owe nothing to anyone... remember this and realize just how wrong that statement is.
That is all. You can go back to YOUR life now... just... REMEMBER!