Thursday, May 19, 2016

California Senate Bill 880 and Assembly Bill 1135

California Senate Bill 880 and Assembly Bill 1135 passes 24-14; outlaws bullet buttons and reclassifies many semi-automatic firearms as “assault weapons.”+
A recent ruling made by the 9th district court on gun sales might apply here. In a recent decision regarding Chicago's gun ban, here is what happened: "Chicago [bans gun sales] in the name of reducing gun violence. That is one of the fundamental duties of government: to protect its citizens," Judge Chang wrote in his ruling. "But on the other side of this case is another feature of government: certain fundamental rights are protected by the Constitution, put outside government's reach, including the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense under the Second Amendment." That might be enough precedence, should these bills pass, for a suit to be issued and heard by the courts. All of this is predecated on the House passing, so we need to call our representatives and make sure they know we are watching their voting.