Sunday, May 29, 2016

AB 51 California Lane Splitting Bill to be Updated - Lane Splitting is Legal in California

We received a note from Assemblyman Quirk's office this afternoon that AB 51, Assemblyman Quirk's 2015 lane splitting bill, will be submitted in amended form this coming Tuesday. We were already in support of the bill, but the new form will be even better—basically leaving splitting legal with no speed parameters written into the bill, but explicitly allowing the CHP to create guidelines to educate riders and drivers again, thus avoiding the "underground regulations" malarkey that forced the CHP to take down the guidelines.
This is great news, and very important. Please check out the full details at the link below, and contact your legislator to ask them to support this very sensible bill.
I wrote last May, almost one year ago to the day, that AB 51 in its then-current form would codify lane splitting in a reasonable way, and open things up for the CHP,…