Friday, January 1, 2016

This law California just passed may signal the END of our Republic.

Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief
How far this nation has fallen…
California is often seen as a cultural bellwether in America – after all, it’s the epicenter of the entertainment and technology industries, and is currently led by a “Governor Moonbeam.”
As the late Chicago columnist Mike Royko said as far back as 1979, “If it babbles and its eyeballs are glazed, it probably comes from California.”
Apparently, not much has changed. California has passed a number of laws to take effect January 1st, and while some of them are disconcerting to say the least, there is one in particular that is downright jaw-dropping.
As Breitbart reports, high school students will no longer have to actually pass high school to receive a diploma. This takes the participation trophy concept to a new disgusting low.

SB 172 says: High school seniors will receive their diploma whether or not they pass or even take an exit exam; the law also applies retroactively to students who have graduated since 2004.”