Sunday, March 27, 2016

By May 1, 2016, Congress will officially end a series of Social Security's most lucrative benefits.


If you are currently enrolled in Social Security, or are about to become eligible, please pay close attention to the following message.
By May 1, 2016, Congress will officially end a series of Social Security's most lucrative benefits.
This will cause an estimated $11.41 billion to effectively disappear.
It is a historic amount of money.
Currently, as many as 21.3 million Americans could be eligible for large payouts from these benefits.
And if you are one of them, your time is quickly running out to step forward and claim what is rightfully yours.
Here's what you need to know.
The banning of these benefits has been set in motion thanks to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015-2016.
In Section 831 of this legislation, it clearly states this reform was intended to prevent recipients from collecting more money from the Social Security Administration (SSA) than Congress intended.
With the Federal debt quickly approaching $19 trillion, not surprisingly, these dramatic changes were passed in both the House (266-167) and Senate (64-35) with overwhelming majorities.
And this past November President Obama signed the reform into law.
Congress and the White House Have Finally Found Something They Can Agree On.
…Americans are receiving too much money from
Social Security.
This is obviously not an opinion that is shared by the American people themselves, though.
And you owe it to yourself to do whatever it takes to ensure you are not short-changed from the biggest reform to Social Security in nearly four decades.
Because, to be absolutely clear, a lot of people stand to lose a lot of money if they don't act now.
This New Law Mandates That the
Social Security Administration Ban:
  • A provision that could allow you to collect a one-time, lump-sum check from Social Security for as much as $124,174.
  • A "restricted application" that can boost your income by $63,648.
  • A massive overhaul to Medicare payments and deductibles. Take the amount you were expecting to pay for Medicare. Now slash that number in HALF. That's how much you could be saving!
  • (Continued below…)
Congress justified this aggressive reform by stating they were closing unintended loopholes.
And what will undoubtedly come as a shock to many Americans is just how big these loopholes are.
The examples listed above are just the tip of the iceberg.
Laurence Kotlikoff is a former member of President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors, who is currently with the National Bureau of Economic Research.
He believes many Americans could be missing out on $50,000 from these little-known (and soon to be gone) Social Security benefits.
But for some, that could be a drastic underestimate.
Consider this:
  • If you are single and over the age of 60, you could miss the chance to add $84,240 to your bank account over the next five years.
  • If you are married, another of these disappearing provisions allows you to call up your Social Security clerk, make a simple six-word request, and immediately raise your income by an extra $1,329 a month.
  • If you are a parent or grandparent there is a 2-step filing method that could provide enough money to pay for your children, or grandkids, to get both a bachelor's and master's degree.

    There is $2.5 billion available, just in this program, for the taking.

    And we all know the cost of education has been going through the roof. You must find out if you are eligible!
  • (Continued below…)
These Banned Social Security Benefits Will Disappear By
May 1, 2016.
This has understandably caused some backlash.
A PBS column has reported that with this legislation:
Forbes has written that this reform:
And Time questioned the manner in which everything was put together, noting:
The media's assessment of this situation may be spot on.
But it doesn't change the fact that this is happening.
These benefits are going to disappear very soon.
Fortunately, if you are already a Social Security recipient, or soon to be one, you can do something about this.
There is Good News.
If You Are Eligible and Claim These Banned Benefits NOW, You Will Be Grandfathered In.
You have paid into Social Security your entire working life.
12.4% of every single one of your paychecks is contributing to this safety net.
You have earned these benefits.
This money is available to you.
And if you do not step forward and claim it now, Congress and the SSA will make it impossible for you to do so in the coming months.
By Taking Just a Few Actions, You Can Ensure These Banned Benefits Will Never Be Shut Off From You.
But you must move fast.
Which is why I'm going to help you get every dollar you have coming your way.
I'm going to help you use Social Security to take back your retirement.
And we're going to start right now.
My name is Keith Fitz-Gerald.

I have spent more than 34 years in the markets as an analyst, consultant, and quantitative trader.
I cut my teeth at some of Wall Street's biggest firms, including Wilshire Associates, which oversees more than $8 trillion for over 600 institutional investors.
And today I'm the Chief Investment Strategist for Money Morning.
We are a large financial publisher located in Baltimore, MD.
And we are not associated with the Social Security Administration.
Our mission is simple.
Month after month, my team and I work tirelessly to provide our 1 million readers with the guidance and information they need to protect and grow their wealth.
We have identified Social Security as the greatest chance we have to dramatically improve the financial futures of people across the country.
The numbers here are impossible to ignore.
With each day that passes, an estimated 11,536 Americans become eligible to receive Social Security benefits.
And currently, three out of every four seniors rely entirely on this safety net for their monthly income.
Unfortunately, too many fail to take full advantage of Social Security.
But it's not their fault.
The Social Security Administration has 2,728 rules governing their benefits and thousands upon thousands of additional sub-rules outlined in their Program Operations Manual.
But even the SSA admits that the way they are worded:
That may be why a Boston College study determined that retirees pass up $10 billion every year in Social Security benefits they're entitled to.
However, the SSA has looked to rectify this by streamlining their disclosures.
So if you are willing to dedicate the time, you can dig through their complimentary publication and find details on each of Social Security's benefits (banned or otherwise).
You could also speak to one of their agents or hire a financial advisor to sort through everything.
But why should you have to jump through all of these hoops?
My team and I believe that it shouldn't be so difficult to get what you deserve from this safety net.
And this situation is only going to get worse.
Americans were already missing out on $10 billion a year. And now this new reform is putting $11.4 billion on the chopping block.
So it's perfectly natural if you are feeling outrage over this. Nobody likes the idea of getting the short end of the stick.
But, in reality, there is another side to this story.
Frankly, there is an enormous opportunity here.
When we dug into these banned benefits we uncovered a Social Security filing tactic that had a value of up to $177,000 for eligible recipients.
Think About What You Could Do With an Extra $177,000.
Could you pay off your mortgage?
Could you take your entire family on a once-in-a-lifetime trip across Europe?
Could you finally retire?
All of this could be right in front of you, courtesy of Social Security.
And that's just one of the exciting opportunities we discovered while investigating these banned benefits.
We Are in a Race Against Time.
May 1, 2016, is barreling towards us like an out-of-control locomotive.
There is nothing we can do to change this inevitability.
But we are going to help YOU.
We've compiled everything you need to know in order to secure your piece of this estimated $11.4 billion.
It's detailed in the special report:
You might just discover that you have $100,000 (or more) in benefits that are rightfully yours and waiting to be claimed.
For example, Banned Social Security Benefits reveals:
  • The 6 Words You Will NOT Want to Forget
    (They Can Boost Your Monthly Social Security Checks By $1,329)

    By simply repeating this six-word phrase to a Social Security clerk, you could add an extra $1,329 to your checks each month.

    This newfound cash could be enough to cover a new car payment, plus the insurance, with enough left over for your gas.

    Or, you could just save it up for a rainy day.

    The choice is yours.

    Banned Social Security Benefits will provide you with the phone numbers to call and even a state-by-state list of office locations so you can quickly find the closest one to your home.
  • The "Restricted Application" That Could Let You Cash in on a $63,648 Windfall

    Surprisingly, 21.3 million people could be eligible to collect up to an extra $63,648 in Social Security payments.

    But tens of millions miss out.

    All because they don't know about this "restricted application."

    Which is a shame, because $63,648 can go a long way.

    It's enough to pay for a luxury RV equipped with top amenities like a master bedroom, a full kitchen with granite countertops, and a spacious living room.

    You could take it across the country to visit the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and Key West.

    Or you could use this enormous windfall to help your kids or grandkids.

    It's up to you.

    Banned Social Security Benefits gives you all of the details on this simple "restricted application" and how to turn it into an incredible cash generator.
  • An Amazing 6-Figure Lump-Sum Loophole!
    (If You Could Use an Extra $124,174 Right Now, Take a Look)

    You have to see this to believe it.

    There is a shocking provision buried deep in Social Security's rulebook that could allow you to receive a lump-sum check for up to $124,174 from the SSA.

    Are you looking to pay off your mortgage in one shot?

    This could be your ticket.

    Have you always dreamed of owning a villa in the Bahamas where you can spend your winters?

    Or, maybe you are tired of the 9-to-5 grind and finally want to start your retirement.

    An immediate 6-figure boost to your net worth can make this a reality.

    And it's all possible thanks to one of the disappearing loopholes where Americans can obtain "larger benefits than Congress intended" (Sec. 831 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015-2016).
  • Single and Over 60? Don't Miss an Incredible Opportunity to Realize Your Dreams!

    Are you single or widowed, and over the age of 60?

    If so, you need to consider taking a few steps to become eligible for a unique Social Security provision.

    Because it could make you $84,240 richer.

    You could use this money to buy a brand new 26-foot saltwater fishing boat or a fully loaded Mercedes E-Class Sedan.

    Or, if you're an avid golfer, this small fortune could be used to join Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and T. Boone Pickens as members of Augusta National Golf Club.

    And even if you are currently engaged (or in a long-term relationship), this is still something you won't want to miss.

    In fact, you could collect enough money to pay for a romantic cruise for two around the world.

    So let's not waste another moment!
Receive FULL Medicare Benefits…
For "Half Price!"
Are you worried about the out-of-control costs for doctor visits and prescriptions?

Worry no more!

Enjoy full Medicare coverage PLUS a 50% "discount" off what you were expecting to pay.

These incredible savings apply to your payments and even your deductible.

How is this possible?

Banned Social Security Benefits reveals everything you need to know!
  • Attn: Parents and Grandparents!
    (Here's the Secret for Making the SSA Pay For Your Kid's Bachelor's + Master's + Medical Degree!)

    Since the 1970s, college tuition rates have risen 1,728%, far outpacing inflation.

    So if you are a parent or grandparent, then most likely the skyrocketing costs of education are keeping you up at night.

    Fortunately for some eligible recipients, Social Security may have a solution for this unacceptable predicament.

    In the report, you'll discover an exciting two-step process where you combine one of the banned benefits with another that isn't disappearing.

    Together, they could trigger a windfall that's big enough to pay for your children or grandkids to get their bachelor's and master's degrees…

    With possibly enough left over to send them to medical school.

    Imagine being able to cover all of their education costs free and clear.

    Imagine them not being weighed down by the burden of student loans that take decades to pay off.

    You could give them an incredible head start on life.

    And here's another surprise.

    Your kids or grandchildren don't even have to be newborns or toddlers for you to take advantage of this opportunity.

    If they're 10-, 15-, 21-, 35-years-old, even older, and meet certain criteria, you could be eligible to receive some serious cash.

    Banned Social Security Benefits will show you how you could put all of this to work immediately.
***PLUS, if college isn't in your children's plans, you can still claim this money. You are going to want to see if you're eligible ASAP.
Because it could be worth up to $239,220!
  • Divorced? You Could Make an Extra $15,948 a Year From Your Ex's Social Security!
    (Even BEFORE Your Former Spouse Starts Collecting)

    There is a single line on your last tax return that could reveal if you're eligible to claim as much as $15,948 a year from this tactic.

    And you don't have to feel guilty, because this won't negatively affect your ex's benefits.

    Frankly, you don't even have to let your former spouse know what you're up to.

    So you can keep a clear conscience while you use this money every year to treat yourself to a first-class trip to Las Vegas with your closest friends, a new motorcycle, or a collection of fine Italian suits.
***PLUS, Banned Social Security Benefits reveals an additional opportunity divorced Americans can utilize that could add $341 a month to each check. It may not sound like a lot, but every penny counts… and this money will keep coming for life.
  • DOUBLE-DIP Your Way to Boosting Your LIFETIME Social Security Benefits By 64%

    Rumor has it that this powerful filing method is what aggravated Congress the most.

    And it was one of the MAJOR catalysts behind their upcoming reform.

    Here's why Capitol Hill is all stirred up.

    This clever tactic allows you and your spouse to double dip into the Social Security pot.

    It works if you are retired, or even if you are still collecting full salaries.

    Just make sure you claim it at the right time (which the report will show you how to do).

    It could result in your combined payouts rising an incredible 64%.

    And it only takes a matter of seconds to claim.

    Yet it could grow your income enormously for the rest of your life.

    You'll get the full scoop in Banned Social Security Benefits.
  • Plus Much, Much More…
    (Including a 2-Step Filing Tactic For Married Couples
    That Could Be Worth $177,000!)
Now, to be clear, you will not be eligible for each of these soon-to-be-banned Social Security benefits, strategies, and tactics.
And claiming some will require more legwork than others.
Which is why we are taking all of the guesswork out the equation.
Banned Social Security Benefits
Makes Everything Easy For You

With each benefit, you will receive:

  • Its eligibility requirements
  • Which forms to fill out to claim it
  • The phone numbers to call to sign up for it
  • The amount of money you stand to receive
Locking in just one of the opportunities in this report could mean tens of thousands of extra dollars in your pocket.
If you are eligible for a few of them you may be able to grow your net worth by six figures (or more).
After all, there is $11.41 billion on the table here.
And by "grandfathering" yourself in, you can secure your piece of this money every single year.
Banned Social Security Benefits is Valued at $99 and We Want to Rush it to You for FREE!
All we ask is that you pay a modest shipping fee of $4.87.
That's it.
This offer is only available right here… right now.
And you must hurry, because time is of the essence.
Congress Will Have Officially Banned These Benefits In:
And this urgent report is not the only thing you will receive today.
Not by a long shot.
The opportunity here is too big. There is too much money in play.
Seventy years ago the Chairman of the Social Security Board took to the airwaves and declared that Social Security was helping preserve "a keystone of American democracy."
He proclaimed it gives each hardworking citizen the opportunity "to secure economic independence."
He was talking about the American Dream.
The promise that each of us who has worked hard and paid into the system has earned a comfortable retirement.
Do you feel like the government is keeping that promise?
Of course not.
A few years back, Time magazine reported that a married, middle-class couple now pays, on average, $598,000 in Social Security taxes during their careers.
Yet, when they retire, they can only expect to receive $556,000 in benefits.
This is outrageous.
Forget earning interest.
Forget keeping up with inflation.
Forget breaking even.
That's a $42,000 deficit.
Instead of paying for the "privilege" of Social Security, Americans might as well take their money to the closest slot machine.
They'll have better odds of coming out ahead.
And some people are doing much worse than others.
Social Security Advisors is a high-end consultancy firm in Manhattan. They report that 71% of married couples are missing out on an average of $120,000.
They were owed this money from Social Security, but for any number of reasons, they were never able to collect on it.
…That's About to Change!
It is no longer a viable option to just sit back and assume Social Security is going to give you what you've earned.
You have to take matters into your own hands.
And we're going to help you.
We have created an additional report that we want to rush you right now.
It reveals the 16 benefits that could be next on Congress's chopping block.
The reason?
These Benefits Are So Lucrative They Could Grow Your Net Worth By 7 Figures.
That Is NOT A Misprint.
What is in this report could make you $1 million (or more).
Which is why it's called: Supercharge Your Social Security: 16 Shocking Benefits That Could Make You a Millionaire.
And we want to send you a copy for FREE.
Are these exceptional situations? Absolutely!
For some, these benefits could put them on the receiving end of that rare 7-figure windfall we are all searching for.
However, even if this report doesn't make you a millionaire, by just putting a few of these benefits to work, it could still reward you with tens of thousands of dollars (maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars).
Open up Supercharge Your Social Security and you'll discover:
  • The $156,327 "DRC Provision"
    (Could This Be the SSA's Best-Kept Secret?)

    This powerful filing method is literally available to every person eligible for Social Security.
    If you are eligible for Social Security, you are eligible to collect what could be an extra $156k.
    But only 1.4% of recipients are cashing in on this.

    Yet only 1.4% are currently claiming this money.

    This is simply unfathomable when you consider that a Harvard economist has estimated it could be worth $156,327.

    So it stands to reason that the vast majority of Americans have no idea that what we call the "DRC Provision" exists.

    But you are about to be shown how to harness it.

    ***PLUS, Use This to Avoid the #1 Filing Mistake That Could Cost You $17,688 a Year.

    Nearly 8 out of every 10 Social Security recipients are making the same costly error.

    They aren't considering their "crossover" calculation when they file.

    That means each of these Americans is leaving potentially $17,688 a year on the table.

    Can you afford to be one of them?

    I think you could probably find some good uses for that money.

    Read up on this benefit in Supercharge Your Social Security.

    In fact, the report goes a step farther and shares some helpful online tools you can use for this opportunity.
  • This Ivy League "Life Hack" Could Unlock the Secret to DOUBLING Your Monthly Social Security Checks

    Wharton is the business school at the University of Pennsylvania – a top Ivy League institution.

    And one of its premier statisticians invented a tool that can be described with a single word…


    Remarkably, while this breakthrough has nothing to do with Social Security, in the report you will be shown how to use it for this safety net.

    And you'll be happy you did.

    In fact, how does collecting $3,501 each and every month sound? (That answer is obvious: It sounds great!)

    It could all be thanks to what you'll discover with this Ivy League "Life Hack."
The "Lucky 7" Secret to Becoming a Social Security Millionaire
"It delivers $1,174,858 in lifetime benefits!"
Tap into a "Lucky 7" set of benefits and it could grow your net worth by 7 figures.

You could be eligible for this million-dollar payout, even if you've never earned a big salary in your life.

You'll get all of the details in Supercharge Your Social Security.
  • Transform Your Social Security Benefits Into a
    No-Hassle, Interest-Free Loan
    (Start a Business! Get Out From Bad Debt! Whatever You Need!)

    Even most financial planners don't know this, but you can essentially get a one-year, interest-free loan from Social Security.

    This is a great option if you are looking to start a business, or want to pay off some of your higher interest credit card bills.

    Or maybe you just need quick cash and you don't want to trigger penalties by selling retirement assets early.

    As you'll see in Supercharge Your Social Security, this money is yours to do with as you please.

    I'm Retired!
    I Would Like an Extra Eight Grand!

    The SSA has created a benefit that allows you to kick-start your retirement with a one-time $7,972 payday.

    There are three ways to qualify.

    And each is covered in this report.
  • Have You Celebrated Your 10-Year Wedding Anniversary?
    (If So, the Social Security Administration Has a Pretty Pricey Gift For You)

    The traditional 10-year wedding anniversary gift is tin.

    But the SSA has a much better present in mind… cold hard cash.

    Forget a Tin Pot!
    You'll Actually Want This
    Anniversary Gift
    If you've been married for at least 10 years, you could use this Social Security benefit to add an extra $1,300 a month to your bank account.
    Couples who have been married at least a decade are eligible for as much as a $1,300 a month raise to their Social Security payments.

    All they have to do is step forward and claim it.

    That can certainly buy a lot of tin candlesticks, tin pots, and tin picture frames.

    (Or, better yet, something you actually want.)

    Learn how easy it is to receive this money in Supercharge Your Social Security.
  • No COLA? No Problem!

    2016 marks only the third time in the last 40 years where there will be no cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) for Social Security payments.

    This will undoubtedly leave millions of Americans feeling pinched.

    But if you filled out the specific form you'll learn about in this report, then you probably won't experience a single sleepless night.

    Because you'll have set yourself up to receive an 8% raise for four consecutive years

    That's more than double the 3.88% COLA has averaged over the last 40 years.

    And this could mean an extra $10,224 a year!

    ***PLUS, This Benefit Could Be Used to Collect $193,000!
    (Even if You Haven't "Earned It")

    Maybe you were a stay-at-home mom and never paid a single dime into Social Security.

    Or maybe you left your career many years ago and believe you didn't earn enough credits to qualify for benefits.

    That doesn't mean you are shut off from collecting Social Security. Far from it.

    An estimated 12.4 million Americans could be eligible to receive as much as $193,330 (some even more).
  • Sick of the IRS Taking Too Much From Your
    Social Security Checks?
    (Protect Yourself With This Unconventional and
    Impenetrable Tax Shelter)

    There once was a time when your Social Security checks weren't taxed.

    Keep your hard-earned Social Security income out of the hands of the IRS.
    All it takes is a few mouse clicks.
    Those days are LONG gone.

    Today, depending on your income, up to 85% of your benefits can be taxed.

    In other words, you entrusted your hard-earned money to the government during your career.

    And much of it they turned around and used to pay for things completely unrelated to Social Security.

    Things you may not have voted for if given the choice.

    Then when it's time to finally get your money back, the government has the gall to tax you on it.

    But instead of getting mad… Get Even!

    There is a remarkable way to legally shelter your income so that your Social Security is shielded from the IRS.

    You can do it with a few mouse clicks.

    Everything is revealed in Supercharge Your Social Security.
  • 1 Question… 1 Minute… $106K!

    Millions of Americans could claim an extra 6 figures in Social Security benefits with minimal effort.

    In fact, if you are in this group, you might have $106,000 coming your way.

    Even if you've already started collecting benefits you could still take advantage of this.

    To get the process started, all you'll have to do is to fill out a form that is so simple, it should only take you one minute to complete.

    There is literally a single question on it.

    That's it.

    Do not pass this opportunity up!
  • Plus So Much More…
    (Including a way for eligible parents to collect an extra $26,304 a year based on their child's work history)
Banned Social Security Benefits and Supercharge Your Social Security will Empower YOU.
My team and I aren't affiliated with the SSA.
And even if you don't accept these two reports from us, we still strongly encourage you to review the complimentary materials the SSA provides on each of their benefits.
In fact, we're going to help you there, too.
Both reports will show you exactly where on the SSA's website to look for every opportunity we examine.
We Want to Give YOU the Tools Necessary to Take Control of Your Social Security.
This way you are able to squeeze every penny you deserve out of this safety net.
You have, without question, earned it!

All we ask is that you cover a modest shipping cost of $4.87.
But before you do that, I want to mention something incredibly important.
And incredibly exciting.
These reports form two pieces of a much bigger initiative.
And you are invited to join it.
If You Are Ready to Take Back Your Retirement…
…This Initiative is For YOU!
It's no wonder so many Americans are forced to lean on Social Security.
Since the recession, salaries have plummeted to levels we saw in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
And thanks to inflation, $1 in 1990 is only worth 54 cents today.
So you can see why USA Today is reporting that:
And The New York Times is warning of:
But the state of our investing is just as perilous.
Most workers have been told that 401(k)s can help secure their retirements.
Well, here's what Wall Street wants you to know:
401(k)s have historically averaged a 4.8% return.
And here's what they don't want you to know:
Those same 401(k)s can charge up to 3% a year
in management fees.
That's highway robbery!
How is anyone supposed to get ahead?
How is anybody supposed to retire when facing such impossible odds?
When you take a step back and look at the big picture, what you'll find is startling.
The Total Retirement Deficit for Americans Has Now Reached an Estimated
$14 Trillion.
I'll Repeat That…
Just to be able to achieve the bare minimum standard of retirement, Americans have to climb out of a $14 trillion hole.
Again, that's not to live lavishly.
That's just to get by.
So many people now believe that retirement has become an impossible-to-reach goal.
But my team and I are doing our part to change that.
For Too Long the Deck Has Been Stacked Against Too Many.
Today, You Get Dealt a Winning Hand!
We have launched an initiative we're calling Take Back Your Retirement.
And you are invited to join us.
If you are nearing retirement age, but haven't built up enough financial security to finally enjoy your golden years – this is for you.
If you have been fortunate to earn a sizeable nest egg, but want to guarantee it provides you with the comfortable lifestyle you deserve – this is for you.
If you are already retired, but want to make your money work even harder for you NOW than it did during your career – this is for you.

No matter your story or situation – this initiative will empower you with real solutions and real answers for staking your claim to that retirement you have rightfully earned.
Take Back Your Retirement starts with:
FREE Resource #1: Banned Social Security Benefits (a $99 value)

FREE Resource #2: Supercharge Your Social Security (a $99 value)
These reports will allow you to maximize the money you receive from our most important safety net.
And through this initiative, you will next be sent a collection of additional resources.
Each will help you defend and grow your wealth by capitalizing on other government programs, as well as the investment markets.
Take Back Your Retirement
FREE Bonus Resource #3:
The IRS currently receives about $3.3 trillion in tax revenue a year.
But there is a dirty, not-so-little, secret they don't want you to know about.
According to the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) own projections, between now and 2020 the IRS is going to raise AN ADDITIONAL $3.8 trillion from taxes.
That's above and beyond what they are already collecting.
That's the equivalent of an EXTRA $32,623 per U.S. household.
However, we already have about 50% of this country not paying federal income taxes.
…to pay an extra $32,623 in taxes.
IRS-Proof Your Life will help you protect your money from Uncle Sam!
So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out whose door Uncle Sam will come knocking on to cover way more than their fair share of this extra $3.8 trillion.
But you aren't going to be a victim.
We have an escape plan for you.
We combed through all 74,608 pages of the U.S. tax code.
We consulted the top experts in the country.
And from these efforts we created IRS-Proof Your Life.
Within minutes, you'll be able to apply many of the tips and strategies revealed in this simple-to-follow blueprint.
And this could save you tens of thousands of dollars a year in taxes.
Below are just a few examples…
  • The #1 Secret for Avoiding an IRS Audit and Pocketing an Extra $1,860

    The IRS controls a little-known website that could single-handedly prevent you from being audited.

    It also reveals a way for you to save an average of $1,860 a year (or more) in taxes.
  • The "Invisible" Bank Account That Can "Hide" $100,000 of Your Income

    Chances are you have a checking and savings account.

    But there is a third account your bank knows about that can act as a 100% legal tax shelter.

    Surprisingly, 15.3 million Americans can open up one of these accounts, yet few do.

    You're going to want to see if you are eligible ASAP, because it can keep as much as $100,000 out of the hands of the IRS.
  • Could You Use an Extra $5,000… $10,000… $25,000 a Year?
    (This Powerful Filing Tactic Allows You to Claim an EXTRA Refund EVERY Year for the Next 20 Years!

    More than 1.3 million Americans are eligible for this.

    And if you are over 18-years-old and have paid taxes within the last two years, YOU may be one of them.

    All you have to do is complete a simple, four-page form and send it in.
  • Legally Skirt a $1,039 Insurance Tax You Could Owe This Year

    If you are a middle-class American living in one of the 34 states revealed in this report, you could be suddenly struck by an aggressive $1,039 insurance tax.

    Fortunately, there is a way to avoid this serious hit to your bank account.
  • Double Your Home Deduction This Year and EVERY Year for the Rest of Your Life!

    One in 10 Americans may qualify for an exciting loophole that allows them to literally double their home loan deductions.

    Think about what you could do with that money!

    Now let's make it happen!
  • Slash Your Dividend Taxes By 60%

    You've been responsible. You've patiently built an investment portfolio that will last throughout your golden years. And now it's time for your dividend income to go to work for you.

    But politicians regularly target this cash when they're looking for ways to raise taxes.

    Fortunately, by filling out an easy form, you can cut your dividend tax bill down by 60%.
  • The "Calendar Loophole" That Can Add $6,000 to Your Retirement Account

    …this "secret" filing date could mean an extra $6,000!
    Everyone knows you have to file taxes by April 15.

    But the IRS has a second filing date buried in their tax code for certain Americans.

    I strongly suggest marking it down on your calendar.

    Because in IRS-Proof Your Life, you'll see how this date could allow you to grow your retirement account by $6,000.
  • And So Much More…
Take Back Your Retirement
FREE Bonus Resource #4:
Every day, the government hands out an average of $1.41 billion through a series of programs and, frankly, free giveaways that 99% of Americans have no idea exist.
You, and every other taxpayer, are already paying for this cash bonanza.
So you've earned your piece.
It's yours.
You're entitled to it.
But if you don't step forward and claim this money, somebody else will.
Plus, Uncle Sam has also created a series of little-known investment opportunities and carefully negotiated deals that you can't afford to miss.
By taking advantage of these situations a
6-figure reward could be yours.
Here are just a few examples…
  • Secure a $966,000 "Life Insurance Policy" for Both You and Your Spouse, Thanks to Uncle Sam.
  • Earn 10-18% a Year With One Little-Known Government "Program." (This Investment is Only Available in 29 States.)
  • Own a Mansion in Boca Raton, FL, or Aspen, CO, for Pocket Change.
  • Receive $127,500 to Open a Winery in Sonoma, CA… a Roadhouse BBQ Joint in Downtown Dallas, TX… or Become a Fishing Charter Captain in Key West, FL.
  • Your Neighborhood Bank Could Have $50,000 in Excess Bailout Cash Available For You! (And They Could've Been Sitting on It for YEARS!)
  • Travel the World Like Royalty. Stay in Exotic Locations, and Eat the Best Local Cuisines. (The Government Is Footing the Bill.)
  • Have your State Send You a Check for Up to $4,999 or More in 14 Days! (Find Out If You're Eligible ASAP!)
  • Get $7,500 to Remodel Your Bathroom and $3,329 to Upgrade Your Roof.
  • Plus, Much More…
For instance, You Earned it reveals how you can live like a king 100% rent-free in a Norman Castle in France, a Royal Country home in Latvia, a cozy townhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland, even a farmhouse with a spa in Auckland, New Zealand.
The options are limitless.
Just fill out a simple online form and you could be on your first getaway within two weeks.
This type of opportunity could allow you to live the retirement of your dreams.
And it's only one piece of this incredible package you are about to receive.
Take Back Your Retirement
FREE Bonus Resource #5:
Through this initiative you will receive a free trial subscription to our flagship publication, The Money Map Report.
Money Map Report was started as a way to help everyday Americans capitalize on fast approaching events.
To accomplish this I focus exclusively on six key trends in the markets.
  1. Demographics
  2. Scarcity
  3. Medicine
  4. Energy
  5. Technology
  6. War/Conflict
The world is complicated. From ISIS, to fears of China's stock market collapsing, to central bank madness, it can be hard to determine where the safe havens are for your money.
But if you look throughout history, it becomes very clear that these are the trends that push our economy forward. They are the forces behind the world's biggest developments.
And by focusing on them, my Money Morning team and I have been able to uncover a nonstop series of high reward investment opportunities for Americans who are looking to fortify their retirements. Below is just a small sample:
Westport Innovations 543%
SPDR S&P 500 455%
Chipotle 179%
Madison Square Garden 350%
ITT Educational Services 346%
Vanguard FTSE 449%
Cheniere Energy 368%
Goldman Sachs 456%
Golar LNG 300%
Ram Energy 421%
Navios Maritime 400%
Gilead Sciences 411%
Aegerion Pharmaceuticals 345%
ProShares Ultrashort Euro 382%
Neurocrine Biosciences 400%
Costco 300%

Every month we release a new edition of the Money Map Report that explores the powerful trends and stories that will impact the economy, the markets, and your wealth.
And you will receive exciting opportunities that allow you to capitalize on these events.
This publication is streamlined. It cuts through the clutter to deliver the exact information you need to know… at the moment you need to know it.
A $585,283 Payday
The average American nearing retirement age has about $127,000 saved up across their investments.
It's simply not enough.
Now, had that money been allocated to the S&P 500 back in 2000, it would've risen 35%, hitting $171,214.
Not bad by any standard. But it doesn't measure up to Money Map Report. It's not even close.
If you were to back-test it, that same $127,000 would've transformed into $585,283 using the Money Map Report's proprietary investing approach.
That's right.
From the bursting of the dot-com bubble, through the Great Recession, and right up until today, this methodology can protect and grow your wealth during periods of crisis and prosperity.
It has, year after year, outperformed the market by a wide margin.
This is the Secret Weapon for Taking Back Your Retirement.
The Money Map Report is priced so nearly anyone can afford it.
In fact, the "ordinary" rate for an annual membership is $199.
(But, through this initiative, you are about to receive something "extraordinary" and FREE.)
As a member you can tap into:
  • Monthly editions of the Money Map Report
  • Money Map Report Trade Alerts
  • Money Map Report Weekly Dossiers
  • Access to The Money Map Report Intelligence Network
  • Money Map Report Audio/Video Briefings
  • Twice-Weekly Tactics and Risk Management Tutorials
  • 24/7 Access to The Money Map Report Members-Only Website
  • The Money Map Report Concierge Service
Become Our Next Success Story!
+$40k-$50k in 6 Months!
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– Robert Montrose
A $10,374 Wake Up Call!
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$36k in 3 Days!
"One year ago I wouldn't have thought that someone in the world could make 1,000% in 3 days.

Nor that I could make a $36,000 profit in 3 days. Now I know it is possible."
– Eric Duneau
1 Year… $125k
"I made approximately $125k for the year."
– Carter Roberts
"I just made $70,000"
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Net Worth… Tripled!
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A $405,000 Transformation!
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$1.5 Million Profit!
"I've profited in excess of $1.5 million. You have my profound appreciation."
– Gary Loest
Nothing makes me prouder than hearing how the Money Map Report has helped change our readers' lives.
Some have used our research and investment guidance to make tens of thousands of dollars, others hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars.
And I look forward to you becoming our next success story.
You'll Receive a FREE 1-Month Trial to the Money Map Report
22 Secrets for Conquering the Stock Market
You will also receive a personal copy of my book, The Money Map Method.
It reveals a collection of investment secrets learned from decades working with and inside Wall Street's most powerful institutions.
And it gets even better.
At the end of your trial, if you would like to continue receiving Money Map Report, you will automatically be billed $99 for a one-year subscription.
That's a savings of 60%.
However, if at any time during your trial, you decide that you do not want to continue receiving this publication, simply contact us, and you won't be charged a single dime. No questions asked.
It's that easy.
Just pay $4.87 for shipping. That's it!
Urgent Update Today:
We're Including 4 MORE Special Gifts
Special Gift #1: The Hard Assets and Personal Finance Playbook

From land, to antiquities and art, to currencies and precious metals, this report reveals the secrets to acquiring the most valuable hard assets at the cheapest prices.
Plus, you will discover the safest banks and credit unions.
It also examines specific CDs and income opportunities that are most shielded from risk. For instance, one offers a 12% yield and another can earn you $23,000 a year tax-free! (a $29 value)
Special Gift #2: The Top Five Stocks Paying Double-Digit Dividends

If you are looking to retire comfortably, you need INCOME. Passive income. The kind of cash that flows in month after month. That's what this report delivers.
The five cash cows revealed in its pages offer what every income investor wants most: a safe, generous, and rising payout.
In fact, the average annual dividend from these picks is 17.7%. (a $49 value)
Special Gift #3: Six Unstoppable Trends About to Make You Rich
A short while ago I mentioned how there are six trends every investor can use to conquer Wall Street.
This report gives you an immediate way to capitalize on each of them.

You'll discover an unconventional energy opportunity that has secretly outperformed the market by 7-to-1. And it's primed to do even bigger things moving forward.
You'll also be able to tap into a biosciences firm perfectly positioned for America's quickly aging population.
Plus, there is a next generation robotics technology set to rise from $91.3 million in revenue today to $1.1 billion by 2020. That's 1,100% growth. And one company is set to be at the center of it all.
This is just a small glimpse of what's in this report. (a $49 value)
Special Gift #4: Nine Places to Retire Like a King – And Make Your Money Last Forever
These nine small-town retirement havens offer a mix of city sophistication and country charm.

With each destination you'll enjoy gorgeous weather, zero pollution, top hospitals, low crime, and vibrant social scenes bustling with activities.
Most important, with a cost of living that's 32% below the national average, you will get way more bang for the buck.
In fact, you might be shocked at how cheap the good life can be.
One of our favorites doesn't tax the first $41,000 of retirement income. Another is in a state with zero inheritance or estate taxes PLUS no tax on Social Security benefits, either.
One even gives blazing-fast broadband internet service to everyone inside its city limits for FREE. (a $19 value)
It's Time to Take Back Your Retirement
When You Join This Initiative You Will Receive:
  • Report: "Banned" Social Security Benefits! 12 Ways to Capitalize Before Congress Outlaws Them on May 1, 2016 (a $99 value)
  • Report: Supercharge Your Social Security: 16 Shocking Benefits That Could Make You a Millionaire (a $99 value)
  • Report: IRS-Proof Your Life! The Ultimate Blueprint For Keeping Uncle Sam's Hands Off Your Money (a $49 value)
  • Report: You Earned It! Incredible Shortcuts For Making Easy Money From Federal Programs, Government Benefits and Profit-Packed Deals! (a $49 value)
  • Publication: Money Map Report (Free 1- Month Trial)
  • Book: The Money Map Method (a $19 value)
  • Report: The Hard Assets and Personal Finance Playbook (a $29 value)
  • Report: The Top Five Stocks Paying Double-Digit Dividends (a $49 value)
  • Report: Six Unstoppable Trends About to Make You Rich! (a $49 value)
  • Report: Nine Places to Retire Like a King – And Make Your Money Last Forever (a $19 value)
Claim $461 in FREE Gifts
Just Pay $4.87 for Shipping!
You have an amazing opportunity in front of you.
You can finally get everything you are entitled to from Social Security and the government.
You can protect more of your money from the IRS.
You can exponentially grow the value of your investment portfolio.
You can live the life you choose without the worries of money.
All that's left is for you to join this initiative.
I look forward to us working together.

Keith Fitz-Gerald
Chief Investment Strategist, Money Morning