Thursday, January 7, 2016

In police state USA, warming your car up is now a criminal offense.

Police Promise to Extort, Kidnap, or Lock You in a Cage for Warming Up Your Car
Roeland Park, KS — Recently in a number of US states, police have been writing people tickets for letting their cars warm up in the morning.
Not only are police extorting people for this common practice, but they have also been rummaging through people’s vehicles as a “demonstration” to show them how easily someone could steal their cars or belongings. Ironically the laws are said to be intended to prevent thieves from breaking into cars while the police are doing the job for them instead.
In Roeland Park, violators could face fines of up to $125, and in just a two-hour time span last week, one officer wrote nine tickets to people who had their cars running.
Officer John DeMoss of Kansas spoke to reporters about how he rummaged through vehicles without the permission of the owners.
Your car can be stolen in a matter of seconds. During my recent enforcement I did stop, go up to the vehicle and look inside the car or open the door and a lot of times the owner of the car never came outside to contact me and say hey what are you doing around my car? That’s plenty of time for somebody to steal your vehicle,” DeMoss said.
Not only is the law itself a violation of free choice and personal responsibility, but this cop just blatantly admitted to searching people without permission! This admission was entirely overlooked by the local news source that broke the story. Instead, they went into stolen car statistics in an attempt to give support for this insane law.
Sadly, Kansas isn’t the only place with laws against warming up your car, it is also illegal in Texas, Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, South Carolina, as well as several cities in Minnesota. Other states like Alaska have similar laws, but they are targeted at emissions instead of car thefts.
The fines that people receive for the offense vary from state to state.
Knowing that all fines issued by police are ultimately enforced, and their compliance mandated, through the promise of violence — the act of warming up your car on a cold winter morning, could end in your death.
Sure this may seem extreme, however, there are far too many examples of such horrendous responses from the state for people refusing to be extorted.
Last year, a Texas woman failed to pay a ticket for a rolling stop. Sarah Boaz was then kidnapped, stripped naked, and thrown in a cage. Had she physically resisted her kidnappers, she would have been beaten or killed.
A Jasper Texas woman, Keyarika Diggles, also had an unpaid traffic ticket. Her refusal to pay resulted in her being beaten, strip-searched, and dragged around like an animal by two police officers. She was left for hours in a jail cell in a pool of her own blood.
In July, a Pennsylvania man, 38-year-old Kevin McCullers, was shot four times by police fulfilling their promise of violence for refusal to pay traffic tickets. He may never walk again.