Friday, November 13, 2015

Democrats Launch > State-Level Semi-Auto Ban ...


Democrats Launch
 State-Level Semi-Auto Ban ... Action
 Needed         While everyone was
 distracted with the national circus known as the republican
 debates, Wisconsin democrats launched a nightmare ban on
 semi-automatic firearms.        
 LRB 3635, the brainchild of Rep. Lisa Subeck (D-Madison), is
 one of the most far-reaching bans on semiautomatic weapons
 ever introduced in Wisconsin.        
 It will turn tens of
 thousands of Badger State gun owners into criminals
 overnight.                   “That will never
 make it out of committee, and if it does Walker won’t
 sign it,” you say?       
 Don't count on it: The  real danger isn’t Subeck’s original bill, but
 the watered-down version that is being rewritten right
 You see, there was such
 backlash to her initial scheme earlier this
 week that Subeck sent it back to the Legislative Reference
 Bureau to tone it down.        
 And that’s the danger. You and I know that
 republicans have a long history of compromising on bills
 like this to make themselves
 appear more “reasonable.”   
“Due to the  vagueness
 in its definition, this bill could potentially outlaw all
 modern semi-automatic handguns, shotguns and pistols in
 Wisconsin,” reports (Wisconsin Democrats Call For Ban Of Most
 Firearms, November 9, 2015).    
 If passed, you  could be imprisoned for up to six years
 and fined $10,000 for merely owning an AR-15 or any number
 of other so-called “assault weapons.”         
 Rep. Subeck is living in a fantasy world. She seems
 to think criminals buy their
 guns through gun dealers and are stopped by the background
 check system. It doesn’t happen.  
 But what WILL happen, I’m afraid, is that some
 sort of backroom deal will soon be hatched between state
 democrats and republicans to “work
 together.”  n fact, I’m so sure this will happen, that we’re launching our
 all-out petition drive to cut them off RIGHT NOW before this
 gun ban bill from hell goes any
 That’s why I need you to take a minute and sign the online petition against the Wisconsin
 semi-auto ban. And to  PLEASE consider contributing something to this
 fight   --$10, $25, $50 or more—so we have the
 resources to battle this dangerous legislation.                 
 You might be thinking: Why  haven’t I heard from any other organizations about
 this threat? The reasons range from apathy to hubris—many
 think the bill won’t see the light of day.
 That’s a  naïve assumption at best.        
 Some think the semi-auto  ban
 is so all-encompassing that there’s no way any
 republicans will allow it to advance. Wrong
 again.Yet others simply aren’t paying any attention
 and are, like deer in the headlights, dazzled by the
 spectacle of the republican debates—they aren’t
 even watching what’s happening here in
  Like I said, the most dangerous time is when Rep.
 Subeck rolls out the revised version soon:
 That’s when state republicans will be pressured to
 “work together” on a
 WGO is monitoring this situation closely. In the
 meantime, please sign the online petition against the
 semi-auto  ban.                  
 And equally important, please give something to this effort. We rely
 on generous gifts from people like you. We refuse to
 sell-out to the establishment fat cats. 
 The Wisconsin semi-auto ban is real. It’s  here.    
 It’s advancing right  now. Repackaged so it can be resold.    
 There is imminent danger  of a sell-out.  

  Please act now.
  Click here to sign the online
 petition against the semi-auto
 ban.              Contribute something--$15, $25,
 $50, $100 or more--to this
 fight. Your support stays here in
 Wisconsin where this battle is taking
 place.                  Thanks for taking
 Corey Graff
          Executive Director                   

  P.S. – This  is not a drill. State Rep. Lisa
 Subeck (D-Madison) has introduced LRB 3635, a BAN on virtually all
semi-auto handguns, rifles and shotguns in Wisconsin.
 The proposal is being ‘massaged’ for general
 acceptance by the public and fence-sitting republicans.
 Expect a compromise and sell-out to
 be in the works. Please sign the online
 petition to OPPOSE Rep.
 Subeck's semi-auto ban. And PLEASE consider a
 pro-gun donation of $25, $50 or
 even $100. We rely on YOUR help to continue the fight.
 CHECKLIST         ✔ Signed the online petition against the Wisconsin
            ✔ Made a pro-gun donation so WGO can monitor and
 defeat this dangerous legislation.   
       Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. is a 501(c)4 non-profit
 organization. Donations made
 to Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. are not deductible for income
 tax purposes.                 

I just did a quick read but I have some food for thought. Although I would never discount the importance of keeping an eye on this type of legislation, the alert you sent me is fraught with misleading information. First, and LRB means its a draft, it hasn't been circulated for cosponsors or assigned to committee. Until it has a SB or AB, it is nothing more than a thought in someone's head. Secondly, I am familiar enough with our state legislators that I can all but guarantee that this would not even get a vote in committee much less to the floor for a vote. Republicans were definitely big on compromise in the past, TEA party took care of that, hence the struggles we have both here and in DC. And finally, I believe legislators bring up bills like this to appease constituents and donors, and then groups opposed to the items solicit donations for fighting the bill, and its one big pilfering of our wallets. I'm not saying WCCA is deceptive or wrong in this matter. I just wouldn't get my undies in a bundle about it. I'd be more pissed about the court decision against Badger Gun and send some money for their court battle, that will affect us and possibly is affecting us now.

Posted by: David 

So, the problem isn't the Democrats, or the Republicans.The problem is the Democrats AND the Republicans. 
One scares the shit out of you with draconian rules Vladimir Lenin would be proud of;
The other compromises so the first must come back next year to finish the job. Their proposal seems OK, in comparison. 
When they are simply a tag team, how can we claim one is worse?
The one that pats your head and calms you down is just as evil as the one who can deliver the fatal injection now that we are calm enough, holding still, and silent enough. 
